Into the Fire (Harry Potter story)

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Title: Into the Fire
Author(s): Aspen
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Into the Fire (Paper Moon, old URL)
Into the Fire (Paper Moon, new URL)

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Into the Fire is a Harry/Snape slash story by Aspen.

Summary: Baby, it's hot outside. Songfic to Meat Loaf's "Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire)."

Warnings: slash, graphic sex between an adult and a minor, songfic, humour, mild exhibitionism/voyeurism, mild kink, PWP

Notes: This was to give my Snape muse a good work-out while I work on another Snape/Harry (a more serious one! We all know that 'Aspen' and 'serious' are antonyms, while 'Aspen' and 'Sirius' are synonyms) and to let me write some, as my Captain puts it, hot Snape/Harry nookie. What a silly little smutfic it turned out to be... it's more akin to "Sixteen" than it is to "Rose Garden." Anyway, the song is Meat Loaf's "Out Of The Frying Pan (And Into The Fire)," which I don't think anyone will know. But I assure you that the song's music fits the distinctive Jim Steinman imagery-packed-lyrics, and it's worth the download if you ever want new music. And the final note (REALLY!): Jesus, I have some thing about Harry in Snape's lap. *pants*

Recs and Reviews

This is a wonderfully hot PWP, in every sense. It's set in Summer and everything is hot - really, really hot. Harry's spending the Summer at Hogwarts, wandering about wearing very little and just barely teetering on the age of consent. Meanwhile, Snape's lurking in his dungeons trying to not look at Harry and just getting hotter and hotter. Finally, they end up high in a tower together one evening, and there's a scene involving an icecube...

This is a really good example of the 'suspend your disbelief, sit back and just enjoy it' type of PWP. There's no point in getting too wound up about characterisation issues in a story like this, or, if you're not American, in letting the occasional Americanism get to you too much (the main one that tripped me up was when I realised Snape was wearing suspenders in the American sense rather than the British - such disappointment. *g*) This story doesn't pretend to be anything more than what it is - and it succeeds at being what it is very, very well.

Into the Fire and other stories by Aspen can be found at Paper Moon[1]


  1. ^ Luthien's Slash Fiction: Recs and Raves, 19 July 2002. (Accessed 14 October 2021)