In Changi

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Title: In Changi
Author(s): naraht
Date(s): 24 December 2012
Length: 1435 words
Genre(s): AU crossover
Fandom(s): Mary Renault, King Rat
External Links: archived on AO3

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"In Changi" is a short story by naraht that is a crossover between James Clavell's King Rat and an AU based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It takes place during World War II in the Japanese POW camp at Changi.


At the beginning of the war, Ralph Lanyon was working on a tramp steamer, and winds up a POW at Changi. He is surprised to find that he recognizes a British officer in the camp hospital, Laurie Odell, with whom he had once been at school. Laurie's infected injury is life-threatening; and Ralph deals through Peter Marlowe to get sulfa drugs on the camp's black market.


"In Changi" was written as a treat for makioka in Yuletide 2012.


Comments on the story include the following:

  • "When I requested King Rat, it was on the wildest of off-chances. To get King Rat and as a crossover with the Charioteer is a stroke of insane luck. Thank you so much, this is absolutely incredible."—comment by makioka
  • "Really like how you capture the moral shades of grey in Changi, the way that 'normal' ethical principles don't - can't - apply, and using Lanyon and Laurie to illustrate/provide a viewpoint on that works very well. [...]"—comment by halotolerant