I'm Not A Playa I Just Crush A Lot

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Title: I'm Not A Playa I Just Crush A Lot
Author(s): Amber (Hanson fan)
Date(s): July 1998-August 1999?
Length: 32 chapters
Genre(s): het romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: hanfic.weebly.com/im-not-a-playa-i-just-crush-a-lot.html, July 2002 via wayback

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I'm Not A Playa I Just Crush A Lot is a Hanson fanfic by Amber (Hanson fan). It was written in 1998 and 1999 and was highly controversial for its explicit sexual content. An archived version of the Devil Angel Yahoo Group rules show that one of the group's rules was "no inap talk."[1] There was also a "Playa Haters" club/page for those who disliked the story.

The story was said to have gone through thirteen guestbooks, filling the maximum number of entries allowed in each. The guestbooks were treated as message boards, with fans writing their own erotica in it, as well as soliciting others for cyber sex. It was also rife with trolls.[2]

Reactions and Reviews

From the story's guestbooks:[3]

Your story is so good. Its perverted, and i cant see Tay doing that.. but i still think its great!

I like this story. Not because sex is about half of every chapter, but because the storyline is different. It's pretty cool to wonder how Taylor would be if he really was a nymphomaniac. Lord knows he really can get any girl he wants...and don't pay any attention to these retards signing the guestbook saying that this is perverted and that it should be taken down...cuz these people are the same people who will keep coming back for more updates!

From an editorial by Jenn on the Really Big Hanson Fanfic Awards:

I've never denied being a huge fan of Kayla's stories, and if the so-called freaks who nominated Taylor from INAP as Best Taylor chose the brilliant Lexie as "Best Airhead", I feel ashamed to be writing for a possible audience which includes these horny teenaged girls. It's an utter travesty, and I stand by my word.

From a response to that editorial by Jamie:

I hate to bring up the obvious example of INAP again, but that's an incredibly irresponsible story, what with Taylor running about screwing everything that moves and not ever thinking about things like pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (at least in the first chapters). However, you must realize that this story's author is all of 15 years old. When I write sex scenes, there is always some discussion of birth control, emotional states, etc. That's because I'm 29 years old, I was pregnant at 19 and have had to sit on pins and needles through my share of AIDS tests. You write what you know. I'm trying to be responsible, and hopefully if a 16-year-old girl stumbles across my stories she'll be able to realize that they're more legitimate than things like INAP. I realized when I got into this that I'd be writing for horny teenage girls ... they make up a large portion of the Hanson fan demographic.

Related Fanworks


I'm Not A Play won awards in the Hanson Fan Fiction Awards, Hanson Story Awards and Really Big Hanson Fanfic Awards. Amber was also given awards by Alanna's Page and Stories Inc., amongst others. It is also featured in the PlaceToHide.net hall of fame, as well as the Your Illusion top five lists.

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