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Title: Humanitis
Author(s): Saber Shadowkitten
Date(s): 2002
Length: 8 parts
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Buffy the Vampire Slayer
External Links:, (Archived Link)

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Humanitis is a Buffy/Spike fic by Saber Shadowkitten.

Spike comes down with a case of humanitis.

In this fic, Spike wakes up human, and returns to Sunnydale believing Buffy and the scoobies are responsible. It is a widely recced Spuffy fic, and based on the comments below was translated into at least one other language.

Reactions and Reviews

Middle of season 3. Spike suddenly becomes human and blames Buffy for it. Very funny with distinct "old skool" ambience. PG and NC-17 versions. [1]

[Excerpt from Lady_windermere's First Fanfic You Ever Read?]
I googled for fanfic, and the first one I got was Humanitis by Saber ShadowKitten. I started with a great! It is in eight parts, and you can find it here if you are interested. I really enjoyed it, and began to read lots more fanfic. [2]
[Response by Moscow Watcher]
I can't believe it! My first fic has also been Humanitis (translated into Russian, no less)!
