How bad were shipping wars in your fandom?

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Title: How bad were shipping wars in your fandom?
Creator: Post since deleted account
Date(s): 30 October 2022
Medium: Reddit post to r/FanFiction
Fandom: pan-fandom
Topic: Ship wars in different fandoms
External Links: How bad were shipping wars in your fandom?, Archived version on Reddit
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How bad were shipping wars in your fandom? is the title of a Reddit thread on r/FanFiction, started by a poster who has since deleted their account. There were more than 400 comments under the post, with many fans discussing ship wars and their impact on different fandoms and fan spaces. Some of these discussions were focused on fans of two ships in a single ship war, while others discussed ship wars more broadly within their fandoms.

Other fans discussed how they felt their current fandoms are fairly chilled out about shipping and so they avoid the online experiences associated with shipping wars, with many expressing relief over the matter.

Shipping wars discussed

Example Commentary

On Voltron:

Voltron... was at war with it's own creators, so uh yeah. Pretty bad
shoutout the great wars of allurance vs kallura and sheith vs klance lol what incredible times to live through
Post-Voltron, I stop paying attention to what people say online (theories & ideas). It was definitely a turning point, some people just want to be loud.


looks over at the dumpster fire that is the HP and RWBY fandoms we should have more that enough fuel to last the winter.
RWBY had ship wars before it had its first episode lmao.
Preach the words of RWBY’s gods awful ship wars that hurt my own nonship fic of RWBY.

On Game of Thrones and Sansa/Jon vs Daenerys/Jon:

The Jonerys fandom ripped itself apart after season 8 and killed over a hundred discord servers; ruined the lives of 10,000 or more authors and hundreds of not thousands of stories died.
[deleted user]
Yep lol I remember it was a time before AO3 let you reject gifts, and people were "gifting" each other fics degrading the ships/fics they wrote. The fandom never quite recovered I think.
My favorite Jonerys story was taken down in the wake of the author receiving too much harassment ):

References/Further Reading