Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness

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Title: Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness
Author(s): Frostfiew
Date(s): June 8, 2009
Length: Words: 3480
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Torchwood/Star Wars
External Links: page one, Archived version; archive link page 2; archive link page 3; archive link page 4; archive link page 5; archive link page 6; archive link page 7
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Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness is a Jack Harkness/Chewbacca fic by Frostfire.

There are 329 comments at its LiveJournal post.

Jack Harkness and Chewbacca meet in a bar...

Many of the comments involve laughing at furry fandom, and are an illustration of the geek hierarchy. That, and a general inability to spell Wookiee.

DVD Commentary

See "Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness" by Frostfire, with commentary by cupidsbow, Archived version (August 16, 2009)

Comments: LJ Post

[geekturnedvamp]: I liked this story; I don't get the furry kink, personally, but I thought the characterization was fantastic and the sex was hot, which it would have to be to get me to read Wookie!sex.

[stragerian]: Oh, hey, there were Wookie/OFC stories in the original SWars fandom. I didn't swing that way (then) and didn't collect them, but they were definitely on the table. Due to some hideous attitudes on LucasFilms' legal division's part, the only Wookie/Han stories were either deep underground or written only to piss off the LF people, and correspondingly awful. The slash taboo in the early 80s did mean that OFCs tended to kick much better ass and take it to bed afterward than has been common since the 90s. Not coincidentally, the 90s saw an upturn in female roles in the sources, and fans deal with those, well or badly.


The OFCs were mostly human, mostly from the legion of Han Solo's sisters, cousins, aunts, and ex-girlfriends who populated the SW fanfic spaceways. I'm also sure I saw Wookie-family-on-Wookie-homeworld stories once or twice. Chewbacca in a SW televised Christmas Special had a wife-or-equivalent and children, all Wookie, though few stories went into that kind of background for Chewie. It didn't help that the Christmas special was very much For Kids and pretty much sucked rocks if you weren't under 10. The wife (whom I remember as Mallika, although this might be a messed-up memory from trying to forget the Christmas Special) wouldn't be an OFC, I guess.

Jack Harkness makes the story work (tentacles! superintelligent shades of the color blue!), and I am afraid the general attitude from most humans of neglect toward all things Wookiee is all too accurate of what SW itself showed, so Chewbacas's POV works really well, too.

[lullabee]: XD It really is like that. It works because you can see it as just Jack being adorably perverted. SRS BZNS FURRY SEX would be awful. But, you know, it's Jack. It's fun for him, so it's fun to read about.


I love your Chewie POV. He's so awesome. Like, he's exactly what we always knew Chewie was like underneath and you brought it out! :D Also, Han's little face at the end. AWESOME.

P.S., This should totally teach you to listen to me when I say something is a GREAT IDEA NO REALLY and you should TOTALLY WRITE IT OMGZ. ;)

[jessikast]: Ahahahaha! Brilliant! And hot! Wait: having enjoyed this fic, does this mean I am no longer allowed to comdemn furries to yiff in hell? :-( ...I actually realised yesterday that back when I was a wee thing who didn't know what a furry was, I had happend to read a couple of the dodgy were-panther/shape changing Sentinel fics, so I have a bad feeling I lost those privileges a long time ago. :-O

[scatterglory]: Ohgod, it's Jack, and Chewie, and it WORKS . . . O.o

How could you not call this WookieNookie? :P


Comments: The Fourth Vine

The One That Will, for the Next Ten Years or So, Make You Snicker Helplessly Anytime Anyone Suggests Purchasing a Shag Rug. And Then Argue That Sex Toys Should Not Come out of the House Maintenance Budget. Hi, I'm Captain Jack Harkness, by [livejournal.com profile] frostfire_17. Star Wars x Torchwood, Chewbacca/Jack Harkness.

I am going to sit back for a bit and let that pairing sink in. Now, after it has sunk in but before you run away screaming, I'm going to share with you my own thought process when I saw this:

Me: I, um. Wookiee [and why does my spellchecker know Chewbacca but not Wookiee?]/human sex? Um. I really don't think...
Me: But it's Frostfire, though. She can make me like any pairing. I mean, okay, she's never challenged my limits this much, but...
Me: And if anyone was going to do it, it'd be Captain Jack Harkness.
Me: Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to read this.

And I did. And I was very, very glad I did. I mean, it would be worth reading just for the introduction, with its slightly frantic explanation of how she came to write this (and, even though she posted it for Kink Bingo, Kink Bingo is not to blame; she just sat down one day and decided to write this of her own free will, and I really had not believed I could love her more, but that did it), but it gets even better than that. It's Jack! And Chewbacca! And Jack so totally would do Chewbacca, and I can't even blame him (although the thought of all that hair touching me makes me want to claw my own skin off, but Jack does not have my issues, or, at this point in his canon, any actual issues that I can tell). And I totally have to congratulate Jack for having the good sense to pick out the best sentient being in the room.

But most of all, I love this story because it made me realize that Jack Harkness isn't kinky. Kinky, to me, requires that you have an unusual focus on one - or several - areas of sexual interest. (Fur! Bondage! Opera glasses and bouffant hairdos! Whatever.) Jack has no special focus whatsoever - he's equally interested in all fields of sexual endeavor. His preference is, basically, any way you want it. Which means that to me Jack Harkness is the definition of vanilla. Obviously I need to work on my terms a bit.[1]


  1. ^ 193: Something Random, June 23, 2009,