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Name: Hessefan
Alias(es): D-Hess, Aphrodita, Dita
Type: Fanwriter
Fandoms: Multifandom; Saint Seiya, One Piece, Bleach, Shingeki no Kyojin, Gintama, and others.
Other: Page at Facebook
URL: Hessefan at FanFiction.Net
Hessefan at AO3
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Hessefan is a prolific fanwriter. She started writing fanfiction since 2004[1] until this day, still active in myriad of fandoms. Her fanworks are mostly slash, but she doesn't limit herself to that, writing as well some het and gen.

As a fan

Mind you, I belong to that strain of fanfickers who often feel gleefully scorned by the popular mass (the Violencia Rivas in me is shitting herself laughing right now): I DON'T DO FANSERVICE, I never wrote what the fandom asked for. If you want #fap there are many fanfickers who are willing to write whatever you want for a comment. Nowadays I'm more interested in telling the story or developing a plot of my interest (yes, even if it's only my interest and no one else's). Nobody pays me to write fanfiction, so if I don't enjoy it myself, I don't see the point (the day I get paid I'll write what the public wants; oh, yes, I know what the public wants... I study Publishing). I needed to warn you or it was going to explode on me.[2]

She has published 721 fanfics to date, almost all of them ficlets below 1k words. Although, to that number she clarifies that:

I don't like that they look at the number of fics a fanficker has; that will never indicate anything, it's just a number. Quantity is not synonymous with quality, but it is true that practice makes perfect, because the first fic will never be the same as the last. [...] That's why I've never been proud of the amount of fics I have. That's why I never demand more than what the other person can give me. That's why when I read I don't look only at grammar or narration. Many of my favorite fics and fanfickers have mistakes, but a good story is more than a well-placed comma or correct use of verb tenses.[3]

She has also published meta about being a fanwriter and what this entails. Two of her well known meta post are Popularidad: "Nadie me lee y escribo bien" (via Wayback April 23/24) and Fanfickers, futuros escritores (via Wayback Apr 23/24).


Examples of her fanwork.


  1. ^ Perfil público at LiveJournal
  2. ^ Perfil Público at LiveJournal
  3. ^ Aclaración en Perfil público at LiveJournal