He Had No Fingers

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Title: He Had No Fingers
Author(s): Gleam
Date(s): Nov 3, 2008 – Feb 2, 2009
Length: 19k+ words; 9 chapters
Genre(s): Horror, Darkfic
Fandom(s): Naruto
External Links: FFnet

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He Had No Fingers is a Naruto fanfic by Gleam. It is an eldritch horror canon AU. Summary: The Ninetails cannot be contained. But it will take a human sacrifice, all the same.


The Most Disturbing Naruto Fanfiction Possible


To those of you who are still here, I'm not joking at all. This fanfic is so disturbing that you may never look at sunflowers the same way ever again. Seriously. Those who added those tropes on the main page aren't kidding either. While it may initially seem like your usual Naruto-Abuse fanfiction, it is clear in the first chapter alone that sh*t hits the fan and will NEVER stop hitting the fan. The level of horror implicated in the story makes Gaara look like a cute kitten and puts all variations of sociopathic Naruto's to pure shame. Strangely, it is perhaps the whole new level of disturbing that makes this fic one of the more original works to read.

Despite the story sounding so horrible, it is actually written very well, if not in a confusing manner. The writing style is unusually poetic and abstract, creating an eerie and melancholic atmosphere which greatly enhances the horror. The only problem is that it's extremely confusing and will occasionally break your immersion when you reread certain parts. Even rereading doesn't always help. I don't think I've ever understood what the hell Dantalion is.

Overall, He Had No Fingers is a very interesting read. You will never find another story that will creep you out like this one. If you're looking for a story with plot, characters, jutsu spamming, a Naruto shoving his ego into the villagers faces, and PEOPLE TELLING HIM HE IS NOT A MONSTER, this is not for you. If you are a casual (deep readers may endure more mental scarring) and looking for something different, you may want to try it out.

As a story, this rates about 5/10

For pure horror, 10/10[1]


  1. ^ Reviews FanFic / He Had No Fingers by BlueStranger, 10/19/2014