Harry Potter y el Ocaso de los Altos Elfos

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Title: Harry Potter y el Ocaso de los Altos Elfos
Author(s): Francisca Solar
Date(s): finished June 2004
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: Harry Potter y el Ocaso de los Altos Elfos (sadly, only the first chapter appears to have been archived)

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Harry Potter y el Ocaso de los Altos Elfos ("Harry Potter and the Decline of the High Elves") is a 756-page Harry Potter story by Francisca Solar.

It was posted to Fanfiction.net as a WIP and was completed in June 2004.

Solar wrote the story after reading, and being unhappy with, the fifth Harry Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."

Harry Potter y el Ocaso de los Altos Elfos was so successful online that it was noticed by Random House, the publishing company for J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Random House contracted Solar to write her own original non-Harry Potter trilogy, beginning with "La Septima M."

The Chapters

The story is in Spanish, as well as the chapters. The chapter function at Fanfiction.net, however, has the chapter titles in English.

Damn Silence | Music and Dementors | Surprises at Diagon Alley | The AD's Return | Patronus Duel | OWLs, Tricks, and Deals | Hard to Tell | The Order and the Doubt | Towards the Firebolt | Just a Chance | Peace's Pact | Nowhere | All Things I Shouldn't Do | Butterflies of Paper | Best Christmas Ever | Weasley is Our King | What I Am | The Tareldars | The Eternal Child | Behind Hade's Veil | About Wickedness and Prophecies | At a Distance | Waiting and Countdown | Blood Bows | Date at the Chimney | The Guide Star | Against Tower Barrier | The Imagofraus Trap | Testing the Shield | Secret Cemetery of Aurors | In an Old Flying Motorcycle | Agradecimientos


Comienza otro verano para Harry, quien aunque ha pasado unas vacaciones más tranquilas a lado de sus tíos, espera con ansias abandonar su casa para disfrutar los próximos días en compañía de sus amigos. Regresando al colegio el panorama le cambia, ya que además de que todo ha vuelto a la normalidad con el regreso de Dumbledore a la dirección de la escuela, ahora contará con una nueva amiga muy especial que despertará nuevas sensaciones en él. Además, tendrá un reencuentro muy especial que le cambiará la visión de la vida. Preparándose para el destino que le ha designado la profecía, Harry no sólo será admitido como miembro de la Orden del Fénix, sino que además la comunidad mágica tendrá nuevos aliados para ganar la segunda guerra: los Altos Elfos, seres casi extintos que poseen mayor poder y magia que cualquier otro ser en el mundo, quienes ofrecerán su ayuda para vencer a Voldemort por venganza, ya que él provocó la destrucción de la mayoría de los de su raza. Pero lo que Harry no sabe es que este hecho le traerá más complicaciones al descubrir la verdadera identidad de uno de los Altos Elfos. Lo peor de todo es que Voldemort, con ayuda de sus secuaces, le tiene preparada una coartada a Harry para deshacerse de él y que no se interfiera en su nuevo objetivo: eliminar a la reina de los Altos Elfos para evitar su propia destrucción. Aunque se avecinan nuevas pérdidas devastadoras, Harry deberá demostrar que tiene la fortaleza suficiente para afrontar su destino…

[English translation via Google Translate]: Another summer begins for Harry, who, although he has spent a quieter summer holidays with his aunt and uncle, looks forward to leaving home to enjoy the next few days in the company of his friends. Returning to school, the panorama changes, since in addition to the fact that everything is back to normal with the return of Dumbledore to the direction of the school, now he will have a very special new friend who will awaken new feelings in him. In addition, he will have a very special reunion that will change his vision of life. Preparing for the destiny that the prophecy has designated him, Harry will not only be admitted as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, but also the magical community will have new allies to win the second war: the High Elves, almost extinct beings who possess greater power and magic than any other being in the world, who will offer their help to defeat Voldemort for revenge, as he caused the destruction of most of their race. But what Harry does not know is that this fact will bring him more complications when discovering the true identity of one of the High Elves. Worst of all is that Voldemort, with the help of his henchmen, has prepared an alibi for Harry to get rid of him and not interfere in his new objective: to eliminate the queen of the High Elves in order to avoid his own destruction. Although new devastating losses lie ahead, Harry must prove that he is strong enough to face his destiny ...

Author's Comments

Solar, the second of five siblings, was educated in private English language religious schools in Chile. She is a member of Hogwarts-Chile, the biggest Harry Potter fan club in this South American country of 16 million. Through the club, she linked up with fans all over the world, via e-mails and chat rooms.

"In 2003, relatives who live in the United States sent me the fifth Harry Potter book in English. It arrived here four days after its release. I read it in 19 hours. I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep – and I didn’t like it," the young woman told IPS.

"The disappointment was so great that I assembled in my mind all of the gaps, everything that I found was badly handled, that was not explained well, and somehow I put together in my mind the way it should have been and how it could be fixed in the next book," Solar recalled.

The result of this undertaking was the 33-chapter "Harry Potter and the Decline of the High Elves", which was put on-line in instalments [sic] through June 2004, drawing a wave of praise and enthusiastic e-mails from Chile, Spain, Mexico and other countries.

"I am delighted that my book is of such quality that it has been compared to the original. I started to write it as just another story in the fan-fiction category, which are writings not aimed at making profits, and which start out with a clear recognition of the original author’s copyright, in a statement that says ‘these characters are not mine, I am not earning any money from this, blah, blah, blah’," said Solar.

"I wrote it because I like writing and I find it relaxing. I didn’t have any ambition or ideas for the future. The story just began to take off and word started to get around that it was a good story, and it began to grow. It was completely accidental, I would have never thought, never planned that it could have taken on such dimensions," added the journalism student.

A big publishing house based in Spain told its representatives in Chile to contact Solar with the initial intention of publishing the book. But around Christmas they gave up on that plan, when their lawyers informed them about the strict copyright that protects Rowling’s books.

The only way to publish the book would have been to change the names of the characters, places and all references that identify it with the Harry Potter books – a proposition that the young Chilean writer turned down flat, as "The Decline of the High Elves" would not make any sense if it were not set in the world of Harry Potter.

Nevertheless, the publishing house is holding onto Solar’s manuscript as a treasure, and has expressed an interest in reading other work written by her.[1]



Some comments at Fanfiction.net.


This is sort of a dog-bites-man story (if not a "dog bites man and then watches Spock and Kirk do the nasty" story). Of course someone who writes book-length stories involving other peoples' fictional characters can write books involving her own fictional characters.[2]


Muchas contradicciones, Francisca se dice fan de Rowling y luego que está defraudada.

Para eso debería dejar de intentar vender su novela mencionando su fanfic, donde se autoretrata como la salvadora del mundo de rowling, pintada como si fuera un personaje de Tolkien, a quien niega ser fuente de inspiración. Plagio para ser más frnacos, porque Solar no ha inventado el idioma quenya ni los elfos de ultramar, altos y poderosos, eso es invento de Tolkien que se inspiró en historias escandinavas.

Hay cientos de fics, más leídos, más gustados y mejor escritos, sólo se trata de dejar de leer la autoproclamación de mejor escritora de Francisca, que se vale de la amistad con periodistas para promocionarse como la mejor. Apena al fandom del que saca provecho. Porque sus 80 mil lectores no pasan de una mera especulación. Incluso si se toma en cuenta la cantidad de reviews, aunque se sabe que eso no determina la calidad de un escrito, ni es fanfic con mayor cantidad de reviews, habiendo incluso historias en ese fandom y otros que cuentan con más de dos mil reviews.

[English translation via Google Translate]: Lots of contradictions, Francisca calls herself a Rowling fan and then she says she is disappointed.
For that she should stop trying to sell her novel by mentioning her fanfic, where she portrays herself as the savior of Rowling's world, disguised as if she were a Tolkien character, whom she denies being a source of inspiration. Plagiarism to be more precise, because Solar has not invented the Quenya language or the sea-elves, tall and powerful, that is Tolkien's invention who got inspired by Scandinavian stories.
There are hundreds of fics, most read, most liked and better written, the only thing is to stop reading Francisca's self-proclamation of the best writer, who uses her friendship with journalists to promote herself as the best. It ashames the fandom she takes advantage of. Because her 80 thousand readers are just mere speculation. Even if the number of reviews is taken into account, although it is known that this does not determine the quality of a writing, nor this is the fanfic with the highest number of reviews, there are even stories in this fandom and others that have more than two thousand reviews.[3]

A mí La Orden Del Fénix también me decepcionó, y mucho. Y no hay nada contradictorio en que Francisca afirme ser fan de Rowling y luego admita que la obra la decepcionó. Eso sólo indica que ella usa su cabeza y que, como escritora y lectora pensante, no acepta que le vendan cualquier cosa, especialmente si eso viene de la autora de la serie que ella sigue. Francisca hizo lo que todo fan debería hacer: esperar lo mejor del escritor o escritora en cuestión, y al mismo tiempo tener la libertad de reconocer los errores en una obra y decepcionarse. Porque ser fan de Rowling no significa decir que Rowling es perfecta y que Harry Potter es la cúspide de la literatura actual. Eso no es ser fan. Eso es ser FANÁTICO CIEGO.

clero que se vale decepcionarse de un escritor, pero de eso a que clame que su fic corrige los errores de una obra en que el autor intelectual invirtió once años es petulancia y egocentrismo
[English translation via Google Translate]: The Order of the Phoenix also disappointed me, a lot. And there is nothing contradictory about Francisca claiming to be a Rowling fan and then admitting that her work disappointed her. That only indicates that she uses her head and that, as a thinking writer and reader, she does not accept that they sell her anything, especially if it comes from the author of the series that she follows. Francisca did what every fan should do: expect the best from the writer in question, and at the same time have the freedom to acknowledge mistakes in a work and be disappointed. Because being a Rowling fan doesn't mean you have to say that Rowling is perfect and that Harry Potter is the pinnacle of current literature. That's not being a fan. That's being a BLIND FANATIC.
of course being disappointed in a writer is valid, but from that to claim that her fic corrects the errors of a work in which the mastermind invested eleven years in is petulance and self-centeredness.[4]

Leí partes del fic, y leí las críticas, y realmente me sorprende que esta mujer se postule como mejor escritora que J.K. Vamos, que si bien la inglesa no tiene la mejor narrativa del mundo tiene más mérito que esa badficker bien encubierta. Cualquiera que esté dentro del fandom de Harry Potter sabe que su fic era una aberración Mary-Suesca, un intento del self-insert más despreciable que he visto en mi corto tiempo dentro del mundo del Fanfiction.

Además, ¿100.000 lectores? Existen historias en inglés (y cito, como es en el caso de Better Be Slytherin!, que ni siquiera se terminó) que tienen más de 1.000.000 de visitas. Y por supuesto, más de cuatro mil reviews. Realmente da pena no sólo el hecho de que esta mujer sea “vista” como la cara de nuestra cultura del Fanfiction, sino que además con aires vanidosos pretenda ser la nueva vanguardia de la literatura adolescente-fantástica.

[English translation via Google Translate]: I read parts of the fic, and read the reviews, and it really amazes me that this woman claims she's a better writer than J.K. Come on, although the English woman does not have the best narrative in the world, she has more merit than this well-concealed badficker. Anyone within the Harry Potter fandom knows that her fiction was a Mary-Sue-ish aberration, an attempt at the most despicable self-insertion I have seen in my short time in the world of Fanfiction.
Also, 100,000 readers? There are stories in English (and I quote, as in the case of Better Be Slytherin !, which was not even finished) that have more than 1,000,000 views. And of course, more than four thousand reviews.
It is really sad not only that this woman is “seen” as the face of our Fanfiction culture, but also that she pretends to be the new vanguard of teen-fantasy literature, so self-absorbed.[5]

ok… lo q yo opino.. a mi si me gusto el 5to libro de harry potter por J.K.. si bien mucha gente le gusto o no, para nada fue mediocre, por ningún lado que se le mire.

ahora si bien Francisca Solar se animo a realizar una historia pues la felicito, si se incluyo en ella, porque de que stella es ella lo es.. (solo fue necesario ver una foto de ella sumado a lo impresionante del personaje), siendo harry el verdadero protagonista lo pone de lado totalmente. Francisca se incluyo en el libro se hizo mejor q harry y se convirtió en una raza q es mi favorita en esta clase de cuentos, incluyendo juegos: los elfos, y no los de harry enanos y feos, sino los hermosos elfos guerreros como los del sr de los anillos.. en conclusión.. te quedaría muy bonita tu historia, tal vez muchas fans nos gustaría ser esa elfa preciosa astuta y maga que hasta quite del camino a la pelirroja menor de los wesley para quedarse con harry o hasta a fleur, pero de ahí a que una babosa como la de arriba (Neo Zab) diga que la historia esta mejor q la original de J.K se paso.. de verdad.. y carolina si quieres leer momentos hot lee otra clase de libros.. una historia hecha por un fan si de verdad queria superar a J.K simplemente le hubiese cambiado la historia o el rumbo, no incluirse la propia escritora, y decirle harry quítate, para mi le debio colocar stela y el ocaso de los elfos, o mas sincera aun francisca solar y el ocaso de los elfos y quizas la historia hubiese quedado mas original.

[English translation via Google Translate]: ok ... what I think .. I did like the 5th book of harry potter by J.K .. whether people liked it or not, it was not mediocre at all, it just isn't.
Now, although Francisca Solar decided to make a story, well, I congratulate her, if she inserted herself in it, because she is stella ... (it was only necessary to see a photo of her added to the impressiveness of the character), being Harry the real protagonist he's totally left aside. Francisca inserted herself in the book she made herself better than Harry and made herself a race that is my favorite in these kind of stories, including games: the elves, and not those Harry's ones, short and ugly, but the beautiful warrior elves like those of the Lord of the Rings .. in conclusion .. your story might have been beautiful, maybe many fans would like to be that beautiful cunning and magical elf that even gets the youngest redhead from the wesley family out of the way to stay with harry and also fleur , but from there to a slug like the one above (Neo Zab) says that the story is better than the original JK one you are way out of line .. really .. and carolina if you want to read steamy moments read another kind of books .. one story made by a fan if they really wanted to surpass JK they would have simply changed the story or the course of action, not a writer self-insert, and put harry as a side character, for me she should have named it stela and the twillight of the elves, or more sincerely Francisca Solar and the Twilight of the Elves and perhaps the story would have been more original.[6]

no mucho q decir.. la verdad. Fue una grandisima exageracion hablar de fran solar como la gran escritora de fanfictions que llegho a superar a j.k rowling. Personalmente digo que ni por asomo. La historia podria lllegar a ser buena en realidad si no estuviera tan masivamente centrada en Stella y tan lateramente escrita.

Admito que en un principio me gusto mucho….¡pero era el primer fic que leia en mi vida!! …jaja

despues de leer mucho mas, llegue a descubrir las verdaderas hictorias de fanfictions escritas por buenisimos autores que no se autoproclaman escritores insuperables.

A la Solar le hace falta bastante humildad.

[English translation via Google Translate]: not much to say .. the truth. It was a huge exaggeration to speak of Fran Solar as the great fanfiction writer who went on to surpass J.K Rowling. Personally I say that not even close.
The story could actually be a good one if it weren't so massively Stella-centric and so laterally written.
I admit that at first I liked it a lot… .but it was the first fic I read in my life !! …haha
After reading many more, I came to discover the true stories of fanfictions written by terrific authors who do not call themselves insurmountable writers.
Solar lacks a lot of humility.[7]

De verdad me parece que el escrito de Francisca me parece más entretenido y mejor que el 5 de HP, y estoy en desacuerdo con todos los insultos ycríticas destructivas para con Franciasca, si ella se quiso incluir en la historia, cuál es el problema? La historia es de ella, y cuál es el problema? lo que están es envidiosos porque no tienen la capacidad de imaginación y la capacidad de darle un tono distinto a los libros Originales de HP, yo pienso que deberíam apoyarla y no destruirla de esa manera, si de veras se creen mejores que ella, hagan el intento a ver que tal les sale. Yo tampoco tengo mucho que decir, salvo que todos son unos mediocres envidiosos.

[English translation via Google Translate]: I really think that Francisca's writing seems more entertaining and better than HP's 5, and I disagree with all the insults and destructive criticisms of Franciasca, if she wanted to include herself in the story, what is the problem? The story is about her, and what is the problem? you lot are just jealous because you do not have the capacity for imagination and the ability to give a different tone to the Original HP books, I think that you should support her and not destroy her like that, if you really believe yourself better than her, do try to see how it turns out. I don't have much to say either, except that you're all mediocre and jealous.[8]


He leido el fic y es una mierda.

El éxito no tiene nada que ver con la calidad. Hay un montón de fics vagando por las webs mejor escritos. Y Stella, esa MIERDA de Mary Sue se apodera de la historia. El fic se deberia llamar “Stella y el ocaso de los altos elfos”, en fin, una MIERDA.

“estoy en desacuerdo con todos los insultos ycríticas destructivas para con Franciasca, si ella se quiso incluir en la historia, cuál es el problema?”

Ese es el problema. Las Mary Sues son lo peor que puede haber en un fic. Siguen siempre el mismo “linda, alta/baja, llega por casualidad”y son de lo más horrible que hay. Si se creen tan importantes como para robar el protagonismo al personaje principal de un fandom que ellas no crearon, que se inventen un libro con sus historias para que vean que guays son.

[English translation via Google Translate]: I've read the fic and it sucks.
Success has nothing to do with quality. There are a ton of fics roaming the best written webs. And Stella, that SHIT Mary Sue takes over history. The fic should be called "Stella and the decline of the high elves", well, a SHIT.
"I disagree with all the insults and destructive criticisms of Franciasca, if she wanted to include herself in the story, what is the problem?"
That's the problem. The Mary Sues are the worst thing that can be in a fic. They always follow the same "pretty, high / low, it comes by chance" and they are the most horrible there is. If they think they are important enough to steal the limelight from the main character of a fandom that they didn't create, let them make up a book with their stories so they can see how cool they are.[9]

Este artículo es de lo más jocoso jamás leído. Era como leer la apología a los badfickers. Si de por sí se menosprecia el trabajo de los escritores de fics, el ser un badficker te hace un escritor todavía más deficiente.

El fic ese te aburre desde el comienzo, nunca se logra captar el interés del lector en Stella Maris, hasta resulta aburridora toda esa sarta de aventuras que giran en torno a ella, con el propósito de ensalzarla.

Probablemente quien guste de esta historia es porque fantasea con ser ella y en algún momento interactuar con Harry Potter. Es más entretenido tener tus propias fantasías que tener que pedirlas prestadas a una escritora que ya las tuvo.

Si tuviera suficiente imaginación tal vez hubieran logrado contar otra historia sin que sea la misma de siempre, una tipa que llega a Hogwarts y todo el mundo cambia para convertirse en lacayitos de la nueva. Por favor, eso no pasa ni en las películas de teenagers y para fics es la trama más requemada.

[English translation via Google Translate]: This article is the funniest ever read. It was like reading the apology to the badfickers. If the work of fiction writers is underrated in itself, being a badficker makes you an even more deficient writer.
The fic that bores you from the beginning, it is never possible to capture the interest of the reader in Stella Maris, even all that string of adventures that revolve around her is boring, with the purpose of praising her.
Probably who likes this story is because he fantasizes about being her and at some point interacting with Harry Potter. It is more entertaining to have your own fantasies than to have to borrow them from a writer who already had them.
If I had enough imagination, maybe they would have managed to tell another story without it being the same as always, a girl who arrives at Hogwarts and everyone changes to become lackeys of the new one. Please, that doesn't even happen in teenagers' movies and for fics it's the most burned-out plot.[10]

Primero que todo, estoy en total acuerdo (a excepción de los insultos) de todos los detractores de este fanfic y su badficker, la razón por la que no gusto de este fanfiction en particular es por el simple hecho de la existencia de la señorita perfección, en otras palabras, Stella Maris. Esta muchachita princesa elfo, es lo más aberrante que me ha tocado leer pues no sólo los personajes cambian por completo al estar a su lado sino que sus discursos de mesías de los magos me daban unos dolores de cabeza increíbles, es que leerla era como escuchar a los políticos hablar. Así de aburrido. Y, lo peor de todo, es que Harry termina baboso por la muchacha. Como en todo fic suesco.

La verdad, el personaje original es intragable. Su perfección bordea lo vomitibo y te impide poder ponerte un su lugar o sentirte, de alguna manera, identificado con el personaje. Es imposible que exista un ser así pues nada, y repito, nada es perfecto sin importar la raza. La excusa de la autora sobre la perfección de Stella (que por ser elfa es perfecta) más suena a excusa barata porque no sabía qué inventar para que dejaran de decirle que su personaje no era una Mary Sue cuando sí lo es.

Otro de los puntos que me hace aborrecer el fanfic, es el hecho de que se autoproclame el mejor fanfic de HP jamás escrito, cuando hay cientos de estos dando vueltas por la red, mucho mejor escritos y con menos reviews. Así como un best seller no es sinónimo de calidad, review tampoco lo es. Lo de los visitantes, aunque fueran un millón de visitas, nadie te asegura que aquellos que entraron les gustó el fic, muchos de ellos pudieron huir despavoridos a la primera o, como yo, leer por puro masoquismo. Además que las visitas pueden ser de una misma persona.

Otra cuestión molesta es que se diga que ella es mejor que J.K.Rowling, lo que encuentro sin sentido, la británica no escribe como las mil maravillas, pero al menos lo hace mejor que esta mujer que usa terminos que, seguramente, ni siquiera conoce y termina usándolos de forma inadecuada. Y no es idolatrar a Rowling, sino más bien es ser objetiva y no permitir que me embauquen con cada basura que hay por ahí.

Con respecto al libro quinto, a gustos colores. Personalmente, a mí me gustó, da el toque perfecto para el comienzo oficial de la guerra y era necesario que alguien cercano a Harry muriera para que él comenzara a formarse como el verdadero líder que terminaría siendo en el séptimo libro. La desesperación, la soledad y el miedo que siente el protagonista te hace sentir la tensión, sufres por no saber qué pasa y te duele tanto como a él el que Sirius haya muerto. Estas experiencias fantaiosas del mundo de los magos, pueden plantearse perfectamente en el mundo cotidiano, pues nosotros mismo luchamos contra nuestros fantasmas y la incertidumbre del no saber y de que nos traten como a un niño cuando quieres ser tratado como a un adulto. Al final, son experiencias que vivimos con el día a día.

[English translation via Google Translate]: First of all, I totally agree (except for the insults) of all the detractors of this fanfic and its badficker, the reason why I do not like this particular fanfiction is for the simple fact of the existence of Miss Perfection , in other words, Stella Maris. This little elf princess girl is the most aberrant thing that I have had to read because not only do the characters change completely when I am by her side, but her speeches of messiah of the magicians gave me incredible headaches, it is that reading her was like listening politicians speak. So boring. And, worst of all, Harry ends up slobbering over the girl. As in all suesco fic.
The truth, the original character is unpalatable. Its perfection borders on vomiting and prevents you from being able to put yourself in his place or feel, in some way, identified with the character. It is impossible for such a being to exist because nothing, and I repeat, nothing is perfect regardless of race. The author's excuse about Stella's perfection (that being an elf is perfect) sounds more like a cheap excuse because she did not know what to invent so that they would stop telling her that her character was not a Mary Sue when she is.
Another point that makes me hate fanfiction is the fact that it proclaims itself the best HP fanfic ever written, when there are hundreds of them out there, much better written and with fewer reviews.
Just as a best seller is not synonymous with quality, neither is review. Regarding the visitors, even if there were a million visits, nobody assures you that those who entered liked the fic, many of them could flee in terror at first or, like me, read out of pure masochism. In addition, the visits can be from the same person.
Another annoying question is that it is said that she is better than JK Rowling, which I find nonsense, the British woman does not write like a thousand wonders, but at least she does it better than this woman who uses terms that, surely, she does not even know and you end up using them improperly. And it's not idolizing Rowling, but rather being objective and not allowing myself to be fooled with every crap out there.
With respect to the fifth book, to taste colors. Personally, I liked it, it gives the perfect touch for the official start of the war and it was necessary for someone close to Harry to die for him to begin to train as the true leader that he would end up being in the seventh book. The despair, loneliness and fear that the protagonist feels makes you feel the tension, you suffer for not knowing what is happening and it hurts as much as it hurts that Sirius has died. These fantastic experiences of the wizarding world can be perfectly posed in the everyday world, since we ourselves fight against our ghosts and the uncertainty of not knowing and being treated like a child when you want to be treated like an adult. In the end, they are experiences that we live with day to day.[11]


It's a hideous fanfic with a huge Mary Sue who saves averybody including Harry.

The author writes about herself into the story and becomes the main character. It was like a cartoon but it wasn't funny at all.[12]

Further reading
