Harry Potter & the Friends of Dorothy

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Title: Harry Potter & the Friends of Dorothy
Author(s): minx
Date(s): December 8, 2000
Length: 3153 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: online here

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Harry Potter & the Friends of Dorothy is a Harry Potter story by minx.

It is an very early Harry/Draco fic (this one with some Harry/Ron at the end).

For context, see other early Harry/Draco fics.

Author's Notes

M/M Slash, humor, romance. Neville in drag, Draco in top form, Harry in turmoil...

OJ, so J.K. Rowling travels on a train and comes up with the original Harry Potter. I spend 21 hours on an airplane and come up with ... this. Pure, unrepentant slash.

Fan Comments: Fanfiction.net


I love your writing, and this isn't an insult, by it's odd. . . all these friends of his are gay? I mean you did it in the other one too. Made all of them gay.

Well I butter my bread on the top, so it's not my scene, but ... very well written. Beautifully descriptive, I could just see Malfoy's scruffy flat! Excalibur - the mighty weapon, eh? "It's not about pain. It's about testing your limits. It's about trust." Interesting POV - I've never understood why S&M devotees want to do what they do. Odd, however, that everybody Harry knew is gay ... whither Ron? ;)

Great story. :) I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Lockhart was a flaming queen!

God I loooove this story! It's cute, and funny, and romantic, and - well - you always make your characters so friggin' hot! *pictures Cho in black leather pants* Damn you and your wonderful gift for description! I demand, right now, more steaming Sirius/Remus embraces! Maybe a Hermione/Cho camio? *pitiful puppy-dog eyes* Please?

Hilarious! The group therapy scene was especially good. I think we need some passive-aggressive behavior from Draco now. He may look all S&M, but down deep he's just a hurt little boy...

OMG...This is...This is...weird! That's what it is!... Sorry, but YUCK! Are ALL the people gay in this fic?

Question. I am all for slash fics but is EVERYONE in Hogwarts gay?


This is really just too funny! And, since I am an avid Cassandra Claire fan, I LOVED the part about Draco being too hot to die! Oh yes, how true that is. Also, the line about Harry needing to get out of the closet was great. Glad you put some Remus/Sirius in there, as they are my two favorite characters in the books. I've always been kind of intrigued with the thought of them being together. Dean & Neville are a hoot as well. Keep up the good work, and I'm off to read the third part.

minxie, this was an interesting read indeed - yes, riddled with cliches no doubt but I'm sure that was your intention and it comes across a very amusing, unique cliches, for want of a better oxymoron. Draco muscular? For a change, I guess, he always gets relegated to being the effeminate sort. more slash, please! ~rhysenn

"Normally I'd like to keep you tied up like that but under the circumstances we can save it for later,"MPH (talk) 21:44, 30 November 2020 (UTC):)MPH (talk) A wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it with us! Still, I really wanted it to stay Harry/Draco...

THat has to be one of the greatest endings I've ever read, in a slash story. I /love/ the elements of humor in the last chapter, and hey, everyone is gay! It must be something in the water. Really, there's a wonderful rhythm and pace to the story, it's thoroughly enjoyable and the end had me in fits of 'aaaaaw'ing, because, well, I've never read a Harry/Draco or a Draco/Harry story that I liked, but /this/ was a splendid story. Now I have to go read the rest of your stories :) Byoodiful. And it's going on my favorites list.

This is great, camper than a commune full of hippies wacked up on weed somewhere outside of brighton

What do you mean I never reviewed this? Was I mad? Was I high on a lethal cocktail of illegal drugs? Or was I just blind? Either way, find out and stay tuned to this frequency. I could wax lyrical about how this had me rolling on the floor in contortions of helpless, mindboggling laughter. I just adore the style and the lines and the description and the way you nail their alter-sexual personalities and everything about this. And the way you jumped between scenes, with the *meanwhile, in Brighton* bit, which ranks up there with the infamous cold blooded toast for fanfic humour. Always nice to see Brighton in a fic as well, a town that is criminally neglected by the seething mass of writers ... goal flash ... England 1, Albania 0 ... but is ripe for plot opportunities and bouts of sheer brilliance. I will go away now and stop annoying you.


Fabulous! Loved it! SLASH FOREVER! I personally love H/D...anyway one thing though-note enough angst in draco letting harry go-I know he's s'posed to be a slut but at least some dejection would be good...overall great job! More fics! and also, I speak chinese so don't hesistate to ask for help-my email is
