Happy Accidents

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Title: Happy Accidents
Author(s): OfMonstersAndWerewolves
Date(s): 15th February 2019 - 29th May 2022
Length: 71,623 words
Genre(s): Femslash, Domestic, Magical Pregnancy
Fandom(s): Once Upon A Time
External Links: Ao3 Link

Happy Accidents Final.png

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Happy Accidents is a completed Curious Archer multichapter fic by OfMonstersAndWerewolves centred on a magical pregnancy and the experiences and challenges that come with it.

The fic is predominantly fluff based, though certain chapters delve into genres such as hurt/comfort and angst. Though Curious Archer is the focus, other relationships, most notably KnightRook, also prominantly feature.

The first chapter was reblogged as part of the Curious Archer Valentine's Day Event of 2019.


Several years have passed since the creation of the United Realms and after many an exciting adventure, Alice and Robin are now ready for their next one: a baby. They're hit with a setback and so, on her birthday, Alice wishes on a star for them to have a child. Sometime later, she begins to feel strange.

But there's no way she could be that powerful. Is there?


The seventh chapter was inspired by an exchange between Rose Reynolds, Colin O'Donoghue and Andrew J West at the second Enchanted convention, and is named after a phrase used by Rose: Hi Dad, I'm Pregnant.

Tropes & Fanon

Magical Pregnancy

The topic of the fic, Alice's magical pregnancy, is based on a fairly popular headcanon in the CA fandom that Alice has the ability to wish herself pregnant using her magic.


The fic includes several other tropes common for CA fics, such as the inclusion of Dinah, and the incorporation of Alice's mental illness.

Author's Notes

This fic holds, and probably will always hold, a special place in my heart. I've loved this process, with all its ups and downs, and it's gonna feel weird to have it be complete now. But so rewarding. I'm so proud of this fic ngl. I'm gonna miss it so much. Though of course now I can include Amelia in future stories, and woo do I have some ideas already to go.

Thank you to all my wonderful readers who have stuck with this fic throughout. Thank you to all those readers who read part of this fic, even if you dropped off for whatever reason, or only read a specific chapter.

To the readers of the future, who may find this fic many years from now, free of the constraints of waiting three years for me to finish, I hope you enjoy this completed work. And I hope the world is good. I like to imagine it is.

To the historians who find this centuries in the future piecing together life of the early 21st Century, trying to figure out online fandom culture: hi.[1]

Reactions and Responses

So glad I finally took the time to read this… The story is so enchanting… 🐰🏹💜[2]

Oh wowzers! I went into this not expecting so much fun and stuff chronicling Alice and Robin through the pregnancy of the Fox Cub (adorable nickname btw). Swordfighting while pregnant?! I'll give you that because while I've heard of exercise being a good thing for pregnant women, I never would have thought of that. And the way Alice had the conversation with Nook made me swell up with joy. Not to mention Robin at the end when the baby was kicking. Three part human and a quarter nymph as well as if she had an actual fox cub growing inside her made me laugh. I doubt it but the idea is very interesting and preposterous at the same time. Ahhh, gonna go read your latest chapter and comment on there too.[3]

This was amazing!! Loved the family dynamic and all of them getting together. It was so heartwarming! And my God did Alice fainting scare the bananas out of me! I was so relieved her and the baby were okay! Thank you for taking the time to write this awesome chapter. Made my night! And my text to speech extension read the text aloud just fine. Hopefully it works with others too![4]
