Handsome Johnny

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Title: Handsome Johnny
Author(s): Hth
Date(s): 2005
Length: 3499 words
Genre(s): gen/pre-slash
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3
at Fierce Flawless (via Wayback Machine)

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Handsome Johnny is a Stargate Atlantis story by Hth.

Reccer just_katarin describes it as "Ford-centric mostly gen (with non explicit Mckay/Sheppard and maybe kind of sort of Ford/OMC... ish)."[1] The author labels it "gen/pre-slash".[2]

Author's Comments

In her 2005 year in fic review, Hth names Handsome Johnny as her "hardest story to write" of the year:

...I very badly wanted it to have that ground-level view of being a Marine, and I actually know precisely jack shit about the military. I always felt like I was struggling to figure out what Ford would have seen in his life and from what perspective he would have seen it, and since that was kind of the crux of the story, it was kind of an issue. He was supposed to be the *consummate* military kid, a real believer, and I still feel like I just don't know enough to pull it off (some people, in cases like this, will do research, but I kind of avoid that whenever possible *g*). If it hadn't been for those scenes in the research station (which I falsely called McMurdo -- see how little I know?), I think the story would have failed entirely.[2]

Reactions and Reviews

Why this story must be read: I have a huge thing for Ford and an even huger thing for fic in which Ford is done justice. In Handsome Johnny, Hth fills out Ford and makes him a person beyond the Marine. The insights into how he decided to join the Atlantis mission, the guilt over not being sent into 'actual' combat, all collide to make Ford much more nuanced than most people give him credit for. Mostly I like the way Ford is clearly deciding to 'grow up', putting childish things aside and following these people he's come to trust and like into a different kind of wilderness. The look at the rest of the Atlantis crew from Ford's point of view is also not to be missed. The intimacy of the Antarctic base, the comraderie... I really can't say enough good things about this fic.

--just_katarin at crack_van, August 2006[1]
