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Title: Gypsy
Author(s): Rachel Howard
Date(s): July 24, 1997
Length: 11107 words (23 pages)
Genre(s): Mulder/Scully UST, angst
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: (via wayback)

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Gypsy is an X-Files story by Rachel Howard.

Synopsis: While the agents are investigating a possible UFO sighting in Colorado, Mulder makes a decision about his priorities.

Reactions and Reviews


This takes place early in the cancer-arc of the show. Mulder is trying to cope with Scully’s cancer just as she’s trying to cope with it. The dialogue is spot-on and intelligent and while the UST is never resolved, the fact that these two love, care and respect each other is wonderfully portrayed. This story definitely falls within Challenge 58! Also, the link uses the wayback machine, so let me know if you have any trouble![1]


Give us all the cancer arc fic. Seriously. We love the angst of Mulder trying to find a cure and also trying not to lose Scully, and Scully trying to be strong for her partner but also needing him in a way she never has before but being so terrified to articulate it. GIVE US ALL THE CANCER ARC FIC. But also give us a really awesome casefile that keeps us on the edge of our seat to move the story forward. This author does an amazing job of setting the story of Mulder’s internal struggle to be true to his quest for the truth, but then also find himself gradually realizing that there may just be something - or someone - that’s become more important to him against the backdrop of a classic UFO-involved X-File. Enjoy! [2]


  1. ^ het reccers, February 2011
  2. ^ "X-Files FanFiction Sommeliers". Archived from the original on 2018-12-05.