Groundhog Lay

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Title: Groundhog Lay
Author(s): Predatrix
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: online here

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Groundhog Lay is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Predatrix.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #7.

Reactions and Reviews

Oh, this is a gem! Very difficult to describe without saying too much, but as the title indicates, Avon is trapped in a time loop, escape from which seems to involve shagging his way through the crew now there's a surprise. But it turns out to be more complicated than that because he also has to find out what he really, really wants. Meanwhile he has given Zen a personality transplant It sounds, and is, funny, but it's something more than that. Liberator isn't a funny place, and humour can sound untrue to the characters, but in Pred's stories they always stay themselves. I don't know if it's just my copy, but the last page of this was bound twice and for one glorious moment I thought the plot had come true and I'd be re-reading this story for ever [1]

Very funny, very sexy fic about Avon being stuck in a time loop (with only Orac for consistent company) until he works out a) which of the crew he wants to have sex with [spoilers - it's Blake] and b) how Blake deserves to be treated/how he wants to treat Blake. Blake himself is on top form - warm and clever and you can definitely see why Avon would be so smitten with him. There's also a hilarious repeated 'Groundhog Day' gag about Avon stepping in a puddle.[2]

(Avon is caught in a temporal vortex, forced to repeat the same day over and over again until he "gets it right".) Hurrah, yes, this one is brilliant! Yes, we have to deal with Avon's Incredible Beauty again, but it actually feels like a perfectly reasonable thing to happen in a fic with this conceit where the mode is exaggerated comedy. Very funny, lots of interesting sex (I particularly like the Avon/Jenna - and the way that ties into Avon's realisation of who he wants), and the relationship between Blake and Avon is warm and touching, even though this fic is largely cracksex.[3]
