Grave Mistake

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Title: Grave Mistake
Author(s): kickflaw
Date(s): 31 March 2009
Length: 7,000 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Grave Mistake (LiveJournal)
Grave Mistake (AO3)
Роковая Ошибка (Russian translation, AO3)

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Grave Mistake is a Merlin/Arthur story by kickflaw. It was written for the merlinarthurfqf prompt #79: The ghost of Arthur's creepy great, great uncle starts following Merlin around and making lewd comments. Fortunately — or unfortunately — only Merlin hears him most of the time.[1]

Summary: "You want me to rob a grave?" Merlin asked, appalled.

Nadis translated the story into Russian.

Recs and Reviews

  • "This is a wonderful, hilarious tale of Merlin being haunted by a (surprisingly endearing) dirty old man who whispers into Merlin ear all day long and makes him mildy insane and have a perma-blush. Adorable fic."[2]
  • "Gaius sends Merlin off to retrieve some fungus from the tombs, and Merlin comes back with an invisible friend. Totally hilarious, and also HOT HOT HOT sex. Bonus soft-hearted Uther (well, soft-hearted by Uther's standards)."[3]


  1. ^ FIC: Grave Mistake (1/2), NC-17, Arthur/Merlin, ~7k, 31 March 2009. (Accessed 01 November 2011)
  2. ^ marguerite_26. Canon Era Arthur/Merlin Recs [A-N], 30 November 2010. (Accessed 01 November 2011)
  3. ^ daffodilperfect. Recs and Such., 31 March 2009. (Accessed 01 November 2011)