Girl Land

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Title: Girl Land
Author(s): kittydesade
Date(s): 20 December 2012
Length: 3841 words
Genre(s): Alternative Universe
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: "Girl Land" on A03 [2]

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"Girl Land "[1] is a short story written by kittydesade for queen_ypolita as part of Yuletide 2012 challenge. The request asked for an AU in which the Elsie and Peter characters were the same sex (and for an exploration of how that would make the exploration of themes different). This request was delivered through the mechanism of making the catalytic character behind Elsie’s rebellion a woman, rather than a man.

The intended recipient was clearly delighted with the story:

  • OMG you took the Elsie prompt, I didn't really think anyone would go for that one!!! And yes, putting a woman in the place of influence that Peter has for Elsie was what I was thinking of when I wrote the prompt, so I'm glad you took that route. I really like your take on things, how it mirrors what happens in the book but isn't quite the same. Thank you so much for my story, it's wonderful.[2]—queen_ypolita


  1. ^ [1] "Girl Land" by kittydesade in Archive of Our Own Yuletide 2012 archive.] Accessed 11 January 2013.
  2. ^ Comment by queen_ypolita, 25 December 2012. Accessed 13 January 2013.