Fuckboi Dream

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Title: Fuckboi Dream Was Forced To Experience The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Alive And All He Got Was This Stupid Husband (by Fall Out Boy)
Author(s): dancinbutterfly
Date(s): January 1, 2023; most recent update July 28, 2023; not complete
Length: 272,166 words, 40 chapters (so far)
Fandom(s): The Sandman
External Links: Fuckboi Dream at AO3

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Fuckboi Dream Was Forced To Experience The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Alive And All He Got Was This Stupid Husband (by Fall Out Boy) [hereafter FBD; read on AO3] is a Sandman fic by dancinbutterfly for Avelera. This is an explicit, "dead dove" Dream/Hob fic that's over 250,000 words and is, as of July 2023, still being updated with new content. It includes extreme kink and BDSM, and readers are warned to check the tags before reading so they can avoid content they do not wish to see.

Author Summary

"If you don't stop me, I'm going to keep you," Hob murmurs into his ear, holding him tight through the spasms of his laughter. "You mad, ludicrous, delightful, gorgeous slut. I think you might be exactly what I've been looking for, for a very long time."

It starts when Desire drags his ass out to a fetish party in Brixton when he would rather have been tucked safely away in his studio. It starts with a few hits of MDMA, an unwise promise, and a conversation over heard in the smoking section. It starts with a man named Robert who smiles like the sun, takes takes him in hand and takes him a part, one piece at a time.

Look, Dream knows he's a mess, in almost every way, but he just came out to Torture Garden to ostensibly have a good time. He didn't intend to have every aspect of his existence turned upside down, inside out, and unraveled. Yet here he fucking is.

Fan Interaction



Evelyn Rogers



Fan Interaction with Dancinbutterfly

  • With Ch. 10, FBD hit 1000 comments, 100,000 words! DB did an ama on tumblr (#fuckboi dream ama to include answers)!
  • When the Dreamling discord server ended suddenly in April 2023, DB created a FBD discord server. It gained over 30 members within hours.
  • June 7, 2023 FBD surpassed 200,000 words and by June 8 had 1989 comments!
  • FBD ama regarding people identifying with Murphy; see also this epic comment from missing_no on May 14
  • ao3 DDOS attack ama prompt request led to several asides, now part of the FBD series.
    • I knew you in a past life. One glance and the avalanche drops, one look and my heartbeat stops. by dancinbutterfly for Karalyn
    • I need a man who makes me alright. Tell me something that'll change me. I'm gonna love you with my hands tied. Show me your teeth. by dancinbutterfly for Lostelf
    • Ships pass in the night don't wanna wait til the next life by dancinbutterfly for IvyMandragora
    • (You shut your mouth how can you say I go about things the wrong way) I am human and I need to be loved just like everybody else does by dancinbutterfly for rhosyndu
    • I'm going to give you some terrible thrills like a science-fiction double feature by dancinbutterfly for hardly_an_escape
    • There will be no tenderness, no tenderness. I will show no mercy for you. You had no mercy for me. The only thing that I ask, love me mercilessly. by dancinbutterfly for @looseinthecatroom

Fan interaction on the FBD server