Forward Momentum

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Title: Forward Momentum
Author(s): Kageygirl
Date(s): May 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Forward Momentum is a Stargate Atlantis John/Rodney story by Kageygirl.

"Notes: My prompts were: (Kink) Being Seduced; orgasm denial; (Cliché) Truth or Dare. I ran with "being seduced," and there are possibly-so-subtle-that-they're-only-in-my-head nods at orgasm denial and truth-or-dare. I also threw in the special bonus clichés of "aliens made them do it," drugs, a harvest festival, and a few more I'm sure I've forgotten. Just seemed like the thing to do. *g*"

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: This story was originally written for the first round of the multi-fandom kink challenge, before SGA fandom exploded. It's a season one team, where John and Rodney both mildly buzzed and join in one of those interesting alien ceremonies that seem to be such a part of the Pegasus galaxy, but the story doesn't stop there, and continues to follow the emotional plot that began that night. The real beauty of this story is its detail work, the way the pieces are put together, from the romantic description of the guys doing some slightly-stoned stargazing to the way the dialog in the seduction scene plays out. It combines humor and romance to great affect, making this story a really fun read.[1]

There are 97 comments at the story's LiveJournal post.


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, June 2006