For What It's Worth

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Title: For What It's Worth
Author(s): Kristen Bartlett
Date(s): 1997-1999
Length: 19 chapters
Genre(s): het romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: and

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For What It's Worth is a Hanson fanfic written by Kristen Bartlett.

The story centers around the friendship and romance between an original female character and Taylor, who is just a regular college student, as they travel home to visit her family.

Reactions and Reviews

The worst I can say about For What It’s Worth is that it’s full of cheese, a few typos and some stilted dialogue. Overall, though, the writing is fairly good. I’ve never been a big fan of cheesy romance stories, but as far as they go, this is a pretty good one. It’s not too long, but not too short, and there’s just enough drama to keep things interesting.[1]

Since Kristen told me this was the first time she really wrote, I can't help but be admired at her writing skills, her plot lines and most of all, her humor. 'For What It's Worth' is a classic of Hanson fiction. And to do her a favor, I will say that I've read what she's got so far of her new story, and liked it. Not because it was Hanson fiction, but because it was a Kristen-ish style.[2]

Who hasn't been informed by eager friends about the drama and tears of 'Walls' (by Sheryl and Laurie), the hilarity of 'For What It's Worth' (by Kristen) or the realistic, but still heart-warming action of 'Zac Says Tay Still Wets The Bed' (by Nick)?[3]

A tender comedy that really appreciates the value of foundation garments.[4]


For What It's Worth is featured in the Various Artists hall of fame.
