For Services Rendered

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Title: For Services Rendered
Author(s): Minx
Date(s): 2002
Length: 7849 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: For Services Rendered (AO3)

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For Services Rendered is a Harry/Snape slash story by Minx.

Summary: Response to Dixiebell's challenge: "Harry has something that Snape desperately wants. Harry offers to trade him for it." Then things get much more complicated than Snape anticipated.

Recs and Reviews

There is a lot more to this story than might appear at a first glance. On the surface, it's a quite inventive set-up for writing some Snape/Harry smut, set when Harry has come back to Hogwarts "as the DADA teacher and assistant Quidditch coach. And, in his spare time, continuing the fight against Voldemort." There's also that humorous touch, as evidenced in that sentence I just quoted, which makes you think that this is going to be a short, light confection topped off with a sex scene or two.

But it isn't. Very early on, the thing that grabbed me about this story was the underlying sadness and loneliness in both Snape and Harry, and that continued strongly as the story took a somewhat unexpected turn into the realm of hurt/comfort. This Snape is a little harder and snarlier than the way in which Minx portrays him in some of her other stories, but she also manages to reveal the depths of the man to us along the way. I like her adult Harry, too, desperate to do whatever it takes to rid the world of the dark lord. It's not all that often that I read a story featuring an adult Harry who has yet to defeat Voldemort, so that made this story a little different for me, too.

For Services Rendered and other stories by Minx can be found at Ex Libris Snape[1]

This kind of hit the dub-con kink a bit as it's quite a lot like Snape is whoring himself out for some eggs, but as a plot device it serves it's purpose well. The story overall is well written, as a matter of course coming from this particular author. I have and will probably review most of the fics she has written as she has a sense of humor that appeals to me as well as a penchant for great dialog.[2]

Snape needs Harry’s ability as a Parselmouth to obtain ingredients for a potion. They arrange a trade.[3]


  1. ^ Luthien's Slash Fiction: Recs and Raves, 19 July 2002. (Accessed 15 October 2021)
  2. ^ writtenwordrecs. [HP] For Services Rendered by Minx (Snarry), 27 December 2013. (Accessed 15 October 2021)
  3. ^ slytherin-gypsy in rec50. For Services Rendered; Halloween, 30 January 2007. (Accessed 15 October 2021)