Flash Boys

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Title: Flash Boys
Author(s): poicale
Date(s): 11 July 2006
Length: 281 words
Genre(s): vignette
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Flash Boys" is a ficlet by poicale based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is designed to provide insight into the mental workings of the unlikeable Bunny. The author's note indicates that the story started as a challenge with trueriver to write about Ralph and Laurie from a third person's point of view.

Poicale takes one scene in the novel, when Alec and Sandy chat with Ralph and Laurie at Bunny's flat, and shows Bunny's rather different perspective on events. Accompanying the text is a picture of a cocktail cabinet and low chairs, referencing Renault's description of Bunny's flat.

Not surprisingly, given the illustration, comments to the story wandered briefly into a discussion of contemporary decor. There were also speculations on improbable pairings. However, there were also a number of comments specifically on "Flash Boys", including the following:

  • "Definitely in character and an insightful look inside Bunny's shiny, sparsely-furnished head. The title is great, too. LOL!"—comment by oleander9999
  • "Oh, this is nice! Sooooo Bunny, and everything I loathe about him. The Bunnys of the world are just clever enough under their vicious stupidity to cause real damage."—comment by cyberducks