First, Do No Harm (X-Men story)

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Title: First, Do No Harm
Author(s): Poi Lass
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): Gen, Epistolary Fic
Fandom(s): X-Men (Comicsverse)
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First, Do No Harm by Poi Lass is a X-Men story that focuses on the friendship between Hank McCoy and Bobby Drake. It won Best Serious fic and Best X-Men fic at the 2000 Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards.

Reactions and Reviews

Poi Lass, the author of the Crack Van summary for this fandom also happens to be one of the most gifted authors ever to write in it. I think this is probably her most highly regarded story - and with good reason. There's little I can say about it without giving away the plot, but it's one of the best portraits of the relationship between Hank McCoy and Bobby Drake ever written. In spite of the serious subject matter, Poi doesn't forget that one of the defining features of both characters is their keen sense of humour. This is a story to make you laugh even as it's making you cry - and it may well accomplish both. There are exactly two stories in this fandom that I've shed tears over, and this is one of them.[1]

Hank(Beast) makes a bad decision, Bobby(Iceman) disagrees about what it was. One of the most heartbreaking stories I’ve read – my eyes were swimming so hard at points that I couldn’t focus on the words. But the style is fascinating, the writing is breathtaking, and Bobby and Hank’s friendship is a beautiful, painful, thing.[2]

Poi Lass' "First, Do No Harm" is one of the absolute best pieces out there, and deserves a Hall of Fame spot, no question.[3]

There are two Bobby&Hank friendship stories that are my absolute favorites. Both of them deal with serious topics, but one is decidingly darker than the other. FIRST, DO NOT HARM by Poi Lass is a story written in a fashion not many people can do well. Poi Lass can. Read it.[4]


The story has inspired one work of recursive fanfiction, Wayward by trismegistus1.


  1. ^ "Crack Van Rec, December 10, 2003". Archived from the original on 2019-06-04.
  2. ^ "X-Men Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2019-06-04.
  3. ^ "Spotlight on Jaya (Kaylee)". Archived from the original on 2014-10-12.
  4. ^ "The X-Edition vol. 1". Archived from the original on 2012-02-08.