Finding Ulysses

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Title: Finding Ulysses
Author(s): peachykin
Length: epic (~110k)
Genre(s): Romance/Drama, post-canon, Rated NC-17
Fandom(s): Roswell
External Links: Finding Ulysses at Roswell Heaven
Finding Ulysses at Roswell Desert Skies (via Wayback)

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Finding Ulysses is a Liz/Michael fic by peachykinn.


Six years after Graduation, Michael's got someone on his mind.

Recs & Reviews

"If you've ever dipped your toes into the land of polar (Michael/Liz) fanfiction, you've no doubt already heard of 'Finding Ulysses.' In many ways, it's the Grand Old Lady of the genre. It was the story that first made me fall in love with the pairing, and I have a soft spot in my heart for it still. Though the pairing is unconventional, the author tries her best to keep the characters believable within the show's canon, even as events stray away from the established settings of the original series.

The author paints a rich, mostly flattering picture of the Roswellians' future, largely within the tableau that is artistic New Orleans, and while EXTREMELY EPIC, I found the story's arc generally satisfying. Her original characters are certainly entertaining, if not occasionally a tad bit unrealistic, and the author chooses to focus more on the human aspects of post-Roswell life for our lovers, and less on the science-fiction of it all. But the real star for me was Peachykin's Michael Guerin: Gruff, tough, insecure, and completely lovable. Fans of Max may find cringe a tiny bit at the portrayal, but by story's end I found the character redeemable enough the appease even the most stalwart of fans. Romance is key in this tale, but the underlying point is that of each character's personal growth into adulthood and life as an independent person.

Great for first-timer's, this story lacks any true harshness or cruelty, but has a whole lot of heart.[1]"
