Fall Without Wings

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Title: Fall Without Wings
Author(s): notcrypticbutcoy
Date(s): 2017 - 2022
Length: 344,271 words
Genre(s): Slash, Wingfic
Fandom(s): Shadowhunters
External Links: AO3

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Fall Without Wings is an epic length Shadowhunters wingfic by notcrypticbutcoy focused on the pairing of Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane.


The door opens. Alec tenses, and his body throbs.

A man steps through, and Alec curls his fingers into his palms, terror pulsing through him. Because the man isn't a man. He's a warlock. A demon. The same person he felt crouching over him when he fell.

Why is he here? What has the warlock done to him?

"Well well, little angel. You're awake."


Alec has been told the same stories all his life. He's been taught the same lines, over and over again. Downworlders are reckless, impulsive, demonic. They're not to be trusted.

And Magnus Bane is the epitome of everything evil about Downworlders.

At least, that's what people keep telling him. Alec's not quite so sure anymore.

Or: In which the Nephilim have wings, are taught to loathe Downworlders, and Alec is presented with a conundrum when Magnus Bane saves his life.

Reactions and Reviews

This one is one of the most well known within the fandom, and I would say it's the perfect piece for cuddling up in bed every night and getting your heart tossed around like a beanbag. It is easily the best WingFic I've read, and you will learn what a true slowburn feels like while reading this.[1]

Beautifully written alternate meeting/wingsverse fic. A realistic take on the xenophobic/homophobic clave/shadowhunters world. This slow burn, character development is amazing written without handwaving important situations. The character's all go through different life-changing experiences while growing closer to who they can be.[2]

The Most Epic Malec Fanfic, featuring shadowhunters with wings and how one of them gets to know magnus bane when he saves his life[3]

This was the first fic I ever read in this fandom and it topped every masterlist when I started– for good reason. At the time, it was around 180k? and I read it in one day/sitting. The writing is impeccable, plot to die for, and the way the author builds the characters in this story is just engrossing as hell. This is god tier lmao![4]

This will forever have a place on any fic recs list I do :’) It’s actually the first malec fic I ever read. It’s a wip, and it’s so beautiful and perfect and I think the way it handles racism within the Shadowhunters verse is amazing. I love the way it’s written and the characters are explored so well. Also I’m a sucker for wingfic so this is perfect :’)[5]

This is probably the most popular fic that is going to be on this list but it’s so amazingly good that I don’t even care. It’s a long WIP which the Clave has a no tolerance policy regarding downworlders and Magnus Bane is a wanted criminal. This fan fiction is written so amazingly well in every single category that makes you want to keep reading a fan fiction. The author’s writing style is beautiful. They seamlessly jump between characters and situations, in a way that makes the entirety of the plot seem so perfectly planned down to the characters dialogue. Ragnor is somehow a character despite being dead. Simon, Raphael, Lydia and Izzy each have their own smaller plot lines regarding their relationships. The whole fan fiction is written in a way that explores other characters and brings in major problems while also being a malec fan fiction, if that makes sense. This is hands down the best fan fiction that I read in 2017.[6]

what more can i say? the slowest simmering burn you’ll find, set in a world where alec has wings and magnus is the biggest badass in the world. fww is epic and every person in the fandom needs to read it.[7]

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