Exit Stage Left, a Wounded Warrior: The Lost Chapters of The Charioteer

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Title: Exit Stage Left, a Wounded Warrior: The Lost Chapters of The Charioteer
Author(s): Greer Watson
Date(s): 25 December 2012
Length: 12,429 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: (author's website)
(Yuletide collection)
Screen capture of the webpage for "Exit Stage Left, A Wounded Warrior"

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"Exit Stage Left, a Wounded Warrior: The Lost Chapters of The Charioteer " is a continuation by Greer Watson of Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer, ostensibly comprising the next two chapters. As the author's blurb in the Yuletide archive puts it:

Did you know that The Charioteer originally had eighteen chapters? Well, neither did Mary Renault. However, it was inevitable that someone, some day, would learn where the lost chapters had been mislaid.


To his shock, Laurie is transferred back to the E.M.S. hospital after his treatment at Bridstow General is finished. After his discharge from the army, he returns home for Christmas.


"Exit Stage Left, a Wounded Warrior" was written for Yuletide 2012 for juliandarling to the prompt, "I would love some Lanyon/Laurie fic that really explores their relationship and characters; maybe some discussion of their flaws and what drew them together. Post the war, or during the war, doesn't really matter."

The story was beta'd by fawatson, who subsequently wrote "Never Look a Gift Elephant in the Mouth" for Brigit's Flame, inspired in part by "Exit Stage Left".

When the author subsequently put the story on her own website, she created a title page for the two chapters with graphics based on the cover of the original 1953 edition of The Charioteer.


Comments included the following:

  • "[...] I loved everything about this. The characterisation is spot on and the budding relationship between Laurie and Ralph is just stupendous. I want to reread it and enjoy all the little details."—comment by juliandarling
  • "What a lovely thing to be able to read extra chapters from The Charioteer on Christmas afternoon. :)"—comment by naraht
  • "This was absolutely amazing, really breathtaking. So perfectly written, so completely redolent of Renault's prose, and just. Oh, hearts in my eyes. ♥"—comment by surexit
  • "I really like this. It fitted the feel of canon to a t, and also I absolutely loved how you developed Straike and Laurie's mother a little, to make them more rounded and human figures. There are glimpses of hope, at the same time as the understanding that nothing is quite perfect, or quite right. It's a great story, and a lovely continuation. Thank you!"—comment by makioka
  • "[...] I really love all the food descriptions you have in here. It's so detailed, and yet, mostly repellent. It's like anti-food porn."—comment by zeen