Excerpts from the Memoirs Of

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Title: Excerpts from the Memoirs Of
Author(s): Tosya Stohn
Date(s): late 1980s, early 1990s
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
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Excerpts from the Memoirs Of is a series of Man from U.N.C.L.E. stories. They are "recollections from Illya's private diary."

a 1989 flyer printed in Rose Tint My World #1

Most of the stories appear to be circuit stories; and there originally twelve planned. One of the stories, called "The Confession," was published in Comrades #2, a zine published in 1990. It appears this was the only one published in a formal print zine, though this is just a good guess.

From a 1989 flyer: "In this offering [The Russian Invasion], the fourth installment of twelve, Illya recalls when the time came for Napoleon's full realization of the relationship and how he had chosen a place where his lover felt most at ease. Sail with the Pursang and her two man crew into the depths of desire and a sea of of love. Slated for a Fall release."