Everything You've Done Wrong

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Title: Everything You've Done Wrong
Author(s): queenitsy (studentnumber24601) and funkiechick as sloanne
Date(s): 2003 - 2005
Length: 278,000+
Genre(s): drama, romance, slash
Fandom(s): Newsies
External Links: FFN, Refuge (dead link), Masterdoc

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Everything You've Done Wrong is a Newsies Sprace slash fic posted on The Refuge and Fanfiction.net under the penname sloanne by queenitsy and funkiechick. While its Refuge posting is no longer available, it has over 300 favorites and 600 reviews on FFN.

It is considered one of the most influential fics in the Newsies fandom, especially credited with popularizing the characters Race and Spot and setting a precedent for their future fanon characterizations.[1][2] It won many Newsies Mailing List Awards, including Best Spot Story, Best Romance, Best Modern, and Best Slash Fic, and it was nominated for many more.[3][4]

Take Good Care of the Poor Boy

Take Good Care of the Poor Boy is the prequel to Everything You've Done Wrong, written by the same authors and posted to FFN from 2006 to 2012.

Reactions and Reviews

It's well-plotted, the characterizations and dialogue are consistently spot-on, every original character is fully-realized and has an important role to play, and it touches all the right emotional beats. There's a reason that this is one of the longest and most popular fics in the entire fandom - it's just a great piece of writing, regardless of any other factors. And if you're in the fandom and somehow haven't read it yet, I advise you to do so post haste.


This is probably my favorite slash story. It's VERY long (around 600 pages, I believe). I don't want to give away who pairs with who, but just trust me that the story is good.


i raelly love this story. i've read it about a gazillion times plus one. i cant get away from the fact that you just tool the names and made something compleatly spectacular with just a few charcters from a movie. this story was spectacular and it has been everytime that i've ever read it. i truley love this story its my alltime favorite newsies story on fanfiction its extreamly well writen and the both of you are fantastic writers, this story hads inspired me and my friends in writing and we all really like it. its funny but extreamly searious at the same time, you two are fantastic writers and i really respect you for it


Their integral personalities not only remain but are expanded upon and the characters are more complex and real than they ever were in the movie. There are layers to the plot but backbone of the story is a strange, angsty, I-wouldn't-call-it-a-romance-but-something-like-it between Spot and Race.

Inertia Velocity[8]

EYDW is amazing too because

a. the world building is incredible. They weave an entirely new version of Newsies. b. for what it is the plot is actually really cool c. the characterizations are on point ESPECIALLY Dutchy. d. the OCs are A LOT of fun.

It’s just pretty long and repetitive at times so you have to be kind of invested in the characters already to really enjoy it, at least I think so.


Published in 2003, EYDW is like the quintessential newsies fic, and a big part of the reason why Sprace is so popular. Also probably responsible for Spot and Race’s characterization in most fanfic & popularized the use of Sean and Tony as their given names. It’s not super well written, and has a lot of problematic elements, but if you can stomach it, it’s worth a read.


Too many fics sugarcoat a character’s first time having sex, painting it as some otherworldly, magical experience. We need to stop leaving out the awkward parts, the uncomfortable bits, and the straight-up confusion that many teenagers, but especially LGBT+ teenagers, due to a lack of relevant education, feel their first time having sex. There was something refreshing about EYDW, about seeing an LGBT+ character that is equally unsure of what to do as I was my first time - about knowing that there’s nothing wrong with me because I don’t know instinctively what to do. So thank you to the writers of Everyone You’ve Done Wrong for giving us a realistic sex scene for once - fanfiction in general needs more of those.


I found this story nearly nine years ago. It's funny I think about it constantly and I reread it at least once every year. It's kind of funny that at this point everything you've done wrong has had such a huge impact on my life that it's become a comfort.



EYDW has primarily received criticism for its depiction of underage sex.[13]

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