Everything Changes

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Title: Everything Changes
Author(s): Georgia K
Date(s): 2014-06-22 - ongoing
Length: 5,785,031 (Jul 2023)
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Formula One RPF
External Links: Archive of Our Own

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Everything Changes is a Sebastian Vettel/Mark Webber Formula One RPF fanfic by Georgia K. It is currently the second longest work on AO3.[1]


Author's summary:

Sometimes it turns out you don't really know someone at all

Life can take twists you never saw coming

At Mark's retirement party, after the 2013 Formula One season, he discovers that Sebastian has been an abusive relationship with his trainer. Mark helps Sebastian to leave the relationship and the story follows their lives as they recover and struggle with developing feelings for each other.

Author's Notes in Regard to Length

Due to the fanfic's length, some people are not interested in reading a story that long or enjoy the new plotlines. In the notes of Chapter 54, Georgia K suggests it as a possible stopping point, as by that chapter, all of the current plot threads were resolved.

Following recent notes I appreciate that my story isn't quite what some people were hoping for as it has gone on, so re-reading this bit I realised that the end of the chapter sounds rather more final than I intended it to, but in a way that might be good. For those of you who think I ought to drop it, you can count this as an ending.

For those who want to know the rest, please accept that this story has been in my head, almost whole, for six months now and I can't change it to suit others or it wouldn't be my story.

If you want to stick around that's great, I'm honoured you want to read more, but there will be ups as well as downs, if that's not for you, well thanks for reading.[2]


Many of the comments on the fic are positive, sharing shock and awe at the length.

[martian on 02 Jan 2015]
Before I start reading this fic I need to know if its almost done. I want to start reading it, in one swoop once completed. Can you tell me how many more chapters before its done??[3]
[Georgia K on 03 Jan 2015]
Ah, that's a tricky one. No it's not done yet & I'm not sure how long it will be. This was originally planned as being 10 chapters & we're currently on ch. 52!

I'd guess another 10-15 chapters, but knowing me that could extend.

I think it works as you read along tbh, you'll have a heck of a long read if you do it in one go...
[martian on 03 Jan 2015]
Thank you for replying, but I think you have confirmed my fears...

I am very cautious on reading multi chapter fics because of exactly what you have said...they tend to run on, with no end in sight and they tend to go off on tangents and away of what originally pulled me in to read them. It's better I don't start it, until its finished. I know myself and I will be screaming at the screen when I begin to see filler chapters...

Thanks for answering and best of luck.
[Elsanne_J on 24 May 2020]
It's been five years. Did you ever start reading the fic?
[TheEmptyWord on 24 May 2020]
I was shocked to see this reply given the time frame :)

I did not continue to read, I need finality and the author was open about not knowing. I greatly appreciated their honesty.

But this should not deter you from reading it and enjoying the ride.
[Georgia K on 24 May 2020]
Thank you for giving a kind and positive reply! Even I didn't think I would still be writing it now...
[Lesley_Black_Velvet on 24 Jul 2020]
Been looking around here on the site looking for longfics to read, and...damn, one of the longest fics in AO3, the one that is being promoted by ColeyDoesThings a lot, is about F1 racing. Damn, now this is what I call real dedication. I'm here out of curiosity, but just so you know, I didn't read the fic. I'm just here to look up long fanfiction and this is the one that catches my eye. I'm no sporty person, but I would just have to applaud the amount of passion that was made into this.[4]
