Enough (X-Files story)

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Title: Enough
Author(s): Annie Sewell-Jennings
Date(s): 12 May 1998
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here at Gossamer

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Enough is an X-Files MSR story by Annie Sewell-Jennings.

Reactions and Reviews

Yes, I'm going to be reccing a lot of Annie in this post, because she's an amazing writer. She is the ONLY writer who has been able to bring me to tears on several occasions. This is one of those fics - it takes place during Redux II (cancer-arc fic - you KNOW that guarantees tears). Its so sad and angsty, and I cried most of the way through it...but don't let that stop you from reading it! The end is a great turnaround, and is actually happy. This is probably my favorite fic that I've read over the past week. [1]
