Echo Lane

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Title: Echo Lane
Author(s): Louise Wu
Date(s): 2001
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: story index (The LZL Slash Factory)
Chapter 1-7, Chapters 8-9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12-13 (TER/MA)
Cover art by The Theban Band

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Echo Lane is a Mulder/Krycek story by Louise Wu. The story won best Angst and Best Sex Scene for "the last sex scene (our Mulder and Krycek)" in the 2001 Lisa e Krysa Awards.

Summary: Mulder discovers his life could have been very different.

The Theban Band created a fanfic cover for the archived version at TER/MA that was also displayed on the story index page of the author's personal fanfic site with "Intense gratitude to Theban Band for the beautiful cover art."

Recs and Reviews

I like Louise's stories, I really do, although her experimental style throws me a bit. She likes to use 1st person POV and sometimes the emotions it's intended to convey don't feel very deep or real to me. Still, I have to admit that I was utterly captivated by both "Chemistry Book" and "Echo Lane" and came to visit her website daily in the hopes of a new update when the stories were posted. She portrays very well the various levels of attraction and hostility between Mulder and Krycek and their inability for a long time to let go of past hurts and achieve some sort of middle ground where they are no longer ruled by the Consortium's influences on their lives. Addictive.[1]

A great series. Mulder gets a look at what life could have been in a cute A/U romp. It`s a very cute (I just realised I used cute twice, but it really is and in a good way) premise that is well executed and I love it everytime I read it.[2]


  1. ^ allaire mikháil. storyteller's campsite: the x-files fan fiction, 16 Feb 2002. (Accessed 26 March 2015)
  2. ^ LilyCharlotte. The Blanketfort's Fic Rec Page: X-Files. (Accessed 03 April 2015)