Don't Ask Me Why

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Title: Don't Ask Me Why
Author(s): Frisky Wallabee
Date(s): June 25, 2006 - May 11, 2007
Length: 132k+ words
Genre(s): romance, drama
Fandom(s): Newsies
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Don't Ask Me Why is a Jack/David Newsies high school slash fic. It is known in the fandom for its length and drama.

Reactions and Reviews

The bestworst fic you will ever read if you like high school AU tropes. Otherwise you should probably give it a pass. High School AU. Javid, Sprace, lots and lots of minor pairings. Has the dubious honor of being the only pre-musical fic I’ve ever seen make the Delanceys sympathetic characters (depending on your definition of sympathetic.) Warnings: A lot of things. Every ~edgy~ high school trope in existence. If you’re hesitant, just message me with what you need warnings for and I’ll give you a personalized warning list because there’s so much.


oh my god i love this story. i didn't review until i finished it. i wanted to save it. i love this. it was so great. i mean real life stuff. you didn't make it seem fake. you come to love the characters almost more than you could watching the movie. you gave them all distinct personalities even the ones who didn't get a major role in the movie. you shaped them so well that they seemed real. there were parts i laughed out loud. cried. got mad at and wouldn't read for a while because of. but i always came back because it was so good. i cried during that last chapter. well the last few chapters. it was like you were with the characters the whole way and at the end when you know it's the end you feel that sadness of having to leave your friends along with them. i dont know if it has something to do with being a senior myself but i felt like i could connect to the characters. i think this is the best newsies story i read. i loved it. great job.


I don't think I have ever been so emotional to see a story come to an end. I hate to go on a tangent, but I've basically been having a crappy and stressful week. Reading the last few chapters of this has brightened my days, but knowing it has ended now makes me sad. Though I don't think I could have asked for a better ending. *hugs* Very well done!

Oxymoronic Alliteration[3]

May i just say that i found this story at the beginning of the summer and it has just made my day, every day for the past couple of months. You have an amaing comic voice and I love how real these guys are in ur stories...i absolutely adore ur allusions to christian bale and his movies and the other guys who play the real newsies! When I moved into my dorm last week i was upset at leaving my friends and i checked my email just for something to do that wasnt crying. My email alerted me that you had posted a new chapter and i read it and it cheered me thank you for helping me get through my first day of college! keep up the great work and keep us (ur fans) laughing

