Dog Day Summer of 76

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Title: Dog Day Summer of 76
Author(s): cmiran
Date(s): 27 August 2007
Length: 720 words
Genre(s): domestic
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on MRF

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Dog Day Summer of 76 is a ficlet by cmiran based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set in London in 1976, and speculates on the future lives of Laurie and Ralph, from the latter's perspective.


Now middle-aged, but still striking, Ralph takes a long hot ride on the Underground to visit Laurie in his mews house in South Kensington.


"Dog Day Summer of 76" was written for The Dog Days of Summer Challenge to the prompt "dog days of summer".


Comments on the story included:

  • "Gosh, this really grabbed my attention, and what a surprise at the end! I'm absolutely intrigued by the world you've created for them... Thanks for joining in the fun! :)"—comment by trueriver
  • "This reads like an excerpt from a book. So beautifully designed. Thanks."—comment by Merry