do you believe in soulmates (because I'm yours and you're mine)

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Title: do you believe in soulmates (because I'm yours and you're mine)
Author(s): geralehane
Date(s): Published March 10 to May 24, 2016
Length: 7,321 words; 5 chapters
Genre(s): Soulmate AU, Reincarnation, femslash
Fandom(s): The 100/Fear the Walking Dead crossover
External Links: AO3 link

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do you believe in soulmates (because I'm yours and you're mine) is an early Lexark/Clexa fic by geralehane. It's a soulmate au in which Clarke and Lexa are reincarnated as Elyza Lex and Alicia Clark. Published in 5 chapters from 10 Mar 2016 to 24 May 2016, the work has over 45k hits, 7k kudos, 200 comments, and 500 bookmarks on AO3.[1]

The fic is the seventh most popular Lexark fic by hits[2] and the first most popular by kudos.[3]

The Fic

On AO3 the work is tagged Soulmates AU, Lexark, Clexa, and Angst with a Happy Ending. It has no rating and no archive warnings. The summary is:

"No offense, but your name sounds really..." Elyza waits with baited breath while this Lexa tries to find the right word. "...weird. Sorry. I suck at this. Socializing, I mean. I'm Alicia. Alicia Clark."

Elyza feels like hollering and laughing and crying, because Alicia's tongue clicks on a 'k' and rolls on an 'r' in just the right way and she doesn't know if she can handle it.

Alicia is not Lexa. But Elyza isn't Clarke, as well, not anymore.

Elyza nods and takes a swig from her bottle of water, wishing she had something stronger instead.

(Also based on a tumblr prompt: Ok but like imagine Elyza remembers being Clarke and is enjoying seeing the commander able to be a normal teenager and Alicia catches her staring at her smiling so many times and Elyza has fully accepted the fact that Alicia will never remember then one night they about to go to sleep and she whispers "Goodnight Ambassador")[1]

Technically a crossover fic between The 100 and Fear the Walking Dead, the fic utilizes the popular fanon trope of Clarke and Lexa being reincarnated as Elyza Lex and Alicia Clark. It's also a soulmate au where initially only Elyza is aware that they've been reincarnated because Alicia is repressing her past memories. Because it's a earlier Lexark fic, however, some of the fanon associated with Elyza Lex (such as her being Australian) is not included in this fic. The fic is also much more of a Clexa fic than it is a Lexark fic, as it hardly deals with the world of The Walking Dead aside from zombies being occasionally mentioned and is much more focused on the fact that Clexa's relationship got cut short. It is also canon divergent from the show, as a large portion of the fic concerns Alicia's search for her parents, who she was separated from. This never happens in canon, as the show concerns the survival of a family within the Zombie Apocalypse, much like the original show did.

The fic also ends without Clarke and Lexa fully in control of the bodies, with the open-ended promise of Alicia and Elyza managing to come back at some point in the future. This is typical of early Lexark fic in the wake of Lexa's death, which was concerned with fixing what fans viewed as an egregious breach of trust rather than engaging with either The 100 or the new show Alycia Debnam-Carey booked as it was. This is evidenced by the way fans were concerned about upsetting the Fear the Walking Dead fandom by tagging things with "Alicia Clark" when they had nothing to do with the "real Alicia Clark."[4]

Reactions and Reviews

This is a wonderful ending to a wonderful story. I loved it from start to finish. Thanks for writing it <3[5]

I really haven't read many fear the walking dead crossover fics, but really this one is one of my absolute favorites and its been almost therapeutic to read. Thank you for taking the time to write this, its truly been a wonderful read.[6]

THIS IS JUST ANSBSJSNDJSKKRJRNKSLA SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL AND IT BRINGS LIGHT AND COMFORT TO ME. IT MAKES MY HEART HAPPY AND I KINDA WANNA CRY WITH RELIEF. I know that Clarke is Elyza and Lexa is Alicia and I think one day they will mix perfectly, and they will just be happy. Ironically I think their lives here will be long. Zombies still staggering around, but Clarke and Lexa old and smiling, shooting them from their rocking chairs on the porch, lol. No really I think they'll find a nice place far from the violence and live peacefully there, maybe with some children they name Anya, Wells, Raven, Octavia, or Lincoln, etc. Jake. Indra. Gustus. Costia. Who knows! And they keep in touch with Alicia's family.
I truly think they will just finally be happy, just like they deserve.
Thank you so much for this. It settles a calm happiness in my heart. Clexa lives on. Clexa is eternal. Clexa is forever.
Thank you. X <3[7]

Very beautiful and well-written. Thank you for letting Clexa live on even if it's a different universe. <3[8]

Hey, I had already read this story before - I think - but I just refound it, and it's beautiful. I love the way you write, the subtle differences between Alicia-Lexa and Elyza-Clarke, and yet all the points they have in common, and their love for each other. I read the five chapters with some music from Hans Zimmer in the background, it was a really peaceful and beautifully amazing thing to do. *-* Thank you so much for taking the time to write this, I think you're a great writer and I really liked this five chapters story. It wasn't very long, but it was enough for me, so thank you. I think I'll probably come back in a few weeks or months, just to have the pleasure to read you again. (aa) See you soon, I hope!

PS: I'm sorry for any mistake in this comment, I'm French and english is not my first language. ^^' Ciao![9]

How the fuck did you just make the most bittersweet thing I have her read. I'm happy cause clexa but then I'm sad cause elyza and Alicia are gone sorta, but then they end up starting to merge together and I'm happy cause both of them are there but then I'm sad cause then it's not just clarke and lexa but it's still clarke and lexa. I have too many emotions. What the fuck[10]



  1. ^ a b do you believe in soulmates (because I'm yours and you're mine). Posted 10 Mar 2016. Accessed 19 Feb 2023.
  2. ^ Alicia Clark/Elyza Lex tag on AO3, sorted by hits. Accessed 19 Feb 2023.
  3. ^ Alicia Clark/Elyza Lex tag on AO3, sorted by kudos. Accessed 19 Feb 2023.
  4. ^ About Alicia Clark. Posted 9 Mar 2016. Accessed 19 Feb 2023. Archived Version.
  5. ^ Review by cecessqt on AO3. May 24, 2016. Archived version.
  6. ^ Review by SonicH2O on AO3. May 24, 2016. Archived version.
  7. ^ Review by DreamsAreMyWords on AO3. May 25, 2016. Archived version.
  8. ^ Review by a deleted account on AO3. June 28, 2017. Archived version.
  9. ^ Review by ElsaFowl on AO3. October 3, 2017. Archived version.
  10. ^ Review by unicornsandasexuals on AO3. April 24, 2018. Archived version.