Diet Coke

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Title: Diet Coke
Author(s): Romana Clef
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): NC-17
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Diet Coke is an X-Files story by Romana Clef.

Reactions and Reviews

Sometimes an NC-17 will stand out for no reason other than it's been a while since a good one came out. "Diet Coke" by Romana Clef, came out at the end of June, and I can't help but think this piece on autoerotica was needed by all readers at that time (we were still in the cancer/death glut then). Not only does Clef write in a way that makes me feel like a voyeur, but Scully becomes a voyeur in her own fantasies, casting and discarding scenarios to direct her own orgasm. Um, anyway....[1]


  1. ^ REVIEW: Fan Fic, Summer '97 3/4, Archived version , also see REVIEW: Fan Fic, Summer '97 for the controversy reviews on this post caused in fandom