Detente (Oz story)

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Title: Detente
Author(s): Gemma Files
Length: 1500 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Oz (TV series)
External Links: Detente (Segregation)
Detente (Segregation, different link)

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Detente is an Oz story by Gemma Files.

Reactions and Reviews

I think it's difficult for me to buy a straight-out romantic relationship between two men in prison, simply because there's so many other dynamics contributing to any kind of physical or emotional feelings there. Gemma does a terrific job of making me believe, of letting me hear Keller's voice and understand his feelings for Beecher. It's a sweaty, groping sort of story, perfect for this fandom, and Gemma has a unique style of writing that fits the mood. [1]

If you read Oz fan fiction at all, it's likely that you are already familiar with the writing of Gemma Files. Even in this fandom, which has more than it's fair share of talented writers, Gemma's stories are unique -- and often unforgettable. Reading her writing isn't really like "reading" at all - it's more like experiencing the story as it unfolds around you, seeing it and smelling it and *feeling* it. Her prose is dense with sensory details, so dense you get lost in it until it's all over -- and if you're anything like me, you then have to go back to read the story again immediately, just to try to figure out how she does it, how she digs *so* deeply into a scene that you forget you're reading a story at all.

"Detente" is a short fic, a post-New Year's Eve lockdown story (someone once said that every Oz writer has one, and I thank the gods for it!), and Gemma tackles it from Chris Keller's point of view. In her typical fashion, she digs deep into her chosen moment and shows it to us from the inside out, with all its blood and glory intact.[2]
