Death of the Six Week Rule

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Title: Death of the Six Week Rule
Author(s): Valentin
Date(s): May 2005
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Death of the Six Week Rule is a Starsky/Hutch story by Valentin. It was written for Cousin Shelley in the 2005 Starsky & Hutch Slashfest.

Reactions and Reviews

This is like a bonus story. It's h/c and a first time, feel good fic. Hutch has been temporarily (and accidentally!) blinded by one of his houseplants. Starsky moves in to help him out while he recovers, and takes exquisite care of his partner. In this world, set post Starsky vs. Hutch, but apparently prior to Sweet Revenge (though Hutch blessedly loses his moustache mid-fic), Hutch is bi-sexual, a fact he has shared with his partner. He isn't looking for anything heavy though, so no relationship with a man lasts longer than six weeks. As Hutch experiences his world without sight, he ironically begins seeing things differently. Confined to his apartment the way he is, Starsky becomes (even more than usual) the center of Hutch's universe. By being reliant on his friend, Hutch comes to fully appreciate their ease together, the way that Starsky understands him, and how right everything seems when they're together. This is a lovely story full of humor and warmth. [1]
