Darkness and Light Trilogy

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Title: The Darkness and Light Trilogy
Author(s): R.J. Anderson
Date(s): 2001; revised October 2003[1]
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: R.J. Anderson's stories at FictionAlley
R.J. Anderson's stories at FanFiction.Net
RJ_Anderson's stories at Occlumency
previously also at The Sugar Quill

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The Darkness and Light Trilogy is a series of Harry Potter Snape/OFC stories by R.J. Anderson.

The Series

  • The Potions Master's Apprentice A student transferred to Hogwarts in her seventh year must come to terms with her dark past and a future that may be darker still.
  • Personal Risks Somes disturbing revelations lead Maud to question the basis for her trust in Snape, while an unexpected crisis forces her to make a decision that could change both their lives. Sequel to "The Potions Master's Apprentice"
  • If We Survive Maud's graduation from Hogwarts is shadowed by the threat of war, and she must face an indefinite separation between herself and Snape. Can their partnership endure the ultimate test? Sequel to Personal Risks

Outtakes & companion pieces:

R.J. Anderson also drew fanart for the series, which can be found at her DeviantArt.

Reactions and Reviews

The trilogy centres on Maud Moody, an original character with all the classic hallmarks of a Mary Sue: the niece of an established character, with a deep emotional bond with Snape. I'm not quite sure how Rebecca did it, but Maud never grates -- her personality is plausible, and her story -- essentially a romance-cum-coming-of-age -- runs in parallel with Harry's, without trying to take over. [2]


  1. ^ rj_anderson at Dreamwidth. *Insert Trumpet Fanfare Here*, posted 05 October 2003. (Accessed 13 May 2016.) (WebCite)
  2. ^ Fave fics part 1, Archived version, December 25, 2002