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Title: Dæmorphing
Author(s): Poetry
Date(s): 2011 – present
Length: 700K+ words
Genre(s): Daemon AU, epic
Fandom(s): Animorphs
External Links: AO3
TV Tropes

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Daemorphing is an extremely long and influential Animorphs fic series by fanwriter Poetry. While the works are not especially popular by AO3 site metrics, as the first work has only received 360 kudos as of March 2023, they have received tens of thousands of hits and many recursive fics. They received little recognition on FFN as well.

It has been praised for detailed worldbuilding.[1][2] Fantasy Art and Studies 9: Amazing Beasts / Animaux fabuleux cites Dæmorphing as influencing dæmon fanon found in He Says He Is An Experimental Theologian.[3]

Reactions and Reviews

Overall, Daemorphing blends the canons of Animorphs and His Dark Materials well, with Poetry incorporating elements of the world building and cultural customs surrounding daemons into the conflict present in Animorphs. Each of the characters and their daemons are explored well here, with Poetry preferring to be less symbolic and more scientific in which settled form each daemon has. This, I think, fits better with the science fiction genre of Animorphs, but also tells us more about the characters themselves – because while animal symbolism varies by culture, animal behavior does not. This also, in a later story, allows Poetry to confront the dissonance between cultural perceptions of certain animals and what those animals are actually like, which adds depth to the settling process.

Abigail Brooks[4]

I love your worldbuilding in imagining our present-day society with daemons. I love the way you weave the daemons into the narrative so seamlessly. I mean, everything's better with daemons, but some people do it better than others and you're one of the best. I love how you clearly have a soft spot for the original series (why write so much fic about something you don't like?) but you aren't afraid to challenge the choices the characters made and put your own spin on these retellings. I love that Daemorphing isn't just "Animorphs with daemons" but really explores the characters and changes things up in fantastic ways (like killing David and bringing Loren into the group).

Amaruk Wolfheart[5]
