Cutting Room

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Title: Cutting Room
Author(s): reveuse2
Date(s): 12 April 2010
Length: 19,700 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin RPF
External Links: Cutting Room (part 1)
Cutting Room (part 2)
Cutting Room (part 3)
Cutting Room (part 4)
Cutting Room (part 5)

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Cutting Room is a Bradley/Colin RPS story by reveuse2 (~19,700 words). It won the Spring 2010 Merlin Slash Awards in the "Bradley/Colin Fanfiction" categories Best Long and Best Angst.

Summary: It's 2013 and the cameras are about to roll on the Merlin Movie - but can its two stars put aside the pain of their past and recapture the magic?

The story has five parts with several scenes and the beginning of each scene is written in script form.


This was just amazing! It was such a compelling story; between the current movie-filming and the gradual reveal of what actually happened to the relationship before the split, I was totally hooked. I love how we start out with a pining!Colin, but instead of just longing there was a huge dose of guilt and although we know a little bit about why this is it doesn't hit until towards the end. [...] I really like how that worked out. (blameitonmerlin)[1]

This was great. What an ending. I loved how you basically started in the middle, with the break up in the past and gradually revealed what had happened, then ended with bringing them back together. Very moving. The script format introducing each scene was an interesting touch that highlighted the behind-the-scenes setting. Loved this!" (alba17)[2]

Livejournal screengrab
This was such a lovely, heartbreaking-then-put-back-together-with-happy-gooey-marshmallows-of-happiness fic! Oh I cried so hard! So well done!" (pseudoxcanon)[3]

That was truly excellent. As you probably know, I had high expectations and high hopes for this fic, and you totally exceeded anything I'd wished for. [...] First off, just on the more technical side of things, I have to say I love the presentation and structure of this. The use of the script format to quickly and smoothly evoke a scene, and then seamlessly dropping into the full emotion of the prose. An excellent idea, and so well handled that you make it look effortless. But the script format also reminds us exactly who we're dealing with here, and what their jobs are. I love all the authentic detail about the daily lives and work and concerns of actors. I just eat that kind of thing up. And obviously you handle it marvellously well. And the whole thing is, of course, very well written, carefully crafted. Excellent work. Then of course, getting into the rather less prosaic matters, your imagination and your description just shine - from the obvious beauty of a sun-kissed Bradley, to all the painful detail of the young men's hurt and confusion and overwhelming emotions. Your Colin and Bradley are intrigingly conceived and embodied in words, but the other characters have room in which to come to life as well." (mrs_leary)[4]

MSA Spring 2010 winner in the categoris Best Angst and Best Long (Bradley/Colin).
I adored all the script and filmy stuff you put into it, and the journey all the way through, as you revealed what had happened between them and cut their boundaries down and finally, finally brought them back together, was so incredibly touching. [...] I'm keeping this one for a rainy day." (itachitachi)[5]

*joins standing ovation* This was so intense, and heartbreaking, and beautiful, and angsty, and real AMAZING! I can't do it justice. I love the way their past was revealed to us, and how their relationship in the present gradually pieced itself back together. The look back at the SFTW interview had me gasping at the emotions it evoked. My heart is still thumping in my chest you had me so emotionally invested in this! And the characterisations, wow. [...] And, the ending, god the ending. I LOVE it, and I LOVE you! This is a fic that will stay with me for ages, and one I will most definitely read again and again. Perfect." (hungry_bkworm91).[6]


  1. ^ blameitonmerlin. Comment, 13 April 2010. (Accessed 25 July 2010)
  2. ^ alba17. Comment, 29 May 2010. (Accessed 25 July 2010)
  3. ^ pseudoxcanon. Comment, 03 June 2010. (Accessed 25 July 2010)
  4. ^ mrs_leary. Comment, 16 April 2010. (Accessed 25 July 2010)
  5. ^ itachitachi. Comment, 15 April 2010. (Accessed 25 July 2010)
  6. ^ hungry_bkworm91. Comment, 13 April 2010. (Accessed 25 July 2010)