Crossed Out

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Title: Crossed Out
Author(s): CarolROI
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): The Sentinel/Highlander
External Links: online here

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Crossed Out is a Sentinel/Highlander story by CarolROI.

Author's Comments

This started out as a FPP virtual episode, but it's been rewritten as part of my Immortal Series universe featuring a chapter not in the original.

Reactions and Reviews

Another of the episodes from the Virtual Series Faux Paws Productions, this one is authored by CarolIROI who has written some fairly extensive AUs which feature crossovers with Highlander and such and sundy. She is also a strong author of original characters and is not afraid to feature them to the amount they deserve in her stories. This made her a perfect choice for the Virtual Seasons. She created, in this story, what would be a fantastic Blair-centric episode if it had been filmed.

Through an old friend, Blair is accidentally drawn into the Cascade drug scene and, in true Sandburg style, promptly lands into trouble up to his neck when, not only does it become one of Major Crime's cases...but involves the DEA as well.

CarolIROI crafts very engrossing stories and very entertaining ones and Crossed Out is no exception, it's quite a memorable read.[1]


  1. ^ 2004 comments at Crack Van