Criminals & Forensics

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Title: Criminals & Forensics
  • Fractals of a Criminal Mind
  • Chaotic Geometry: The Fractals' Ficlets
Author(s): STARSdidathing
Date(s): February 25, 2016 - December 1, 2016
Length: 2 works, 213,320 words
Genre(s): m/m
Fandom(s): MCU
External Links: Criminals & Forensics, Archived version

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Criminals & Forensics is a collection of frostiron fics by STARSdidathing. The main story is called Fractals of a Criminal Mind while Chaotic Geometry: The Fractals' Ficlets is a collection of 19 accompanying pieces and ficlets taking place in the same verse.

The fics constitute a Crime AU featuring Loki as an international criminal mastermind and Tony Stark as a forensic scientist genius hot on the criminal's trail.

According to the author, she began writing Fractals of a Criminal Mind in July 2015 [1] and, although some editing still had to be done, the story was completed before the publishing started on the Ao3. The fic was updated weekly on Fridays.

Author's Summary

AU. Tony Stark is the Top Forensic Scientist at S.H.I.E.L.D. and possibly in the world - if he does say so himself - there’s only one person he’s come up against and can’t beat: international criminal mastermind Loki Laufeyson. He’s gotten close but Loki always has a lackey to throw in front of the blame. He’s completely untouchable and if Loki wasn’t his enemy than Tony would be marvelling at and adoring his genius. But Tony can’t, because he’s a good guy, he has morals and a duty to the public that he’s trying to protect. Loki Laufeyson, however, is equally fascinated and he doesn’t do anything other than what he wants.


Fractals of a Criminal Mind


Lots of feels, lots of pining (on both sides at the end of part 1), so much happens here, and it’s done so well just!! Aaa!!!![2]

On Chapter 1

Okay I really love what you're doing here. I love AU stories and this is like my favorite genre. I can't wait for the next Friday! I think this is really well written and I love how you're writing Jarvis. Also the humor is great! Thanks for writing this.

hannapirita, February 25, 2016 [3]

Whee! You've done a wonderful job keeping everyone in character and expressing that character through dialogue. I'm impressed, since I think AUs usually either cause the characters to drift until they're not really recognizable or the characters cease to make psychological sense in their new circumstances. You've dodged both those bullets so far.

Coiria, February 2, 2016

Chaotic Geometry: The Fractals' Ficlets


Do you know that feeling of excitement before having your heart emotionally stabbed by a fic?

Yeah, Chaotic Geometry just updated

valsadoinferno, November 24, 2016 [4]

On Chapter 19

Awww, thank you for such a lovely last chapter! Gosh, I'll miss them. How they fluctuated between love declarations and their own insecurities. Great that they are so very happy and out for the world to see now. Thanks for sharing this story with us! I loved it.

Nia_Kantorka, December 1, 2016

Inspired Fanworks



  1. ^ See: chapter 1, introductory notes, Archived version
  2. ^ "Sept 3, 2017". Archived from the original on 2022-06-13.
  3. ^ Apparently, this was the first comment on the fic on the Ao3
  4. ^ See: Tumblr post, Archived version
  5. ^ The fanmix was gifted to STARS on May 29, 2019