Control Issues

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Jim/Blair Fanfiction
Title: Control Issues
Author(s): LitGal
Date(s): 2 May - 12 August 2007
Length: 186,028 words
Genre: slash, m/m, Sentinels and Guides are Known
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Control Issues on Litgal's site
Control Issues on AO3
Cover by LitGal (2007)

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Control Issues is a Jim/Blair The Sentinel story by LitGal. It won three Light My Fire Awards between 2007 and 2008.

The story was originally posted daily in parts as a WIP to LitGal's LiveJournal[1], but only parts 46, 48 and the epilogue remain.[2] It was also posted to 852 Prospect before being taken down that same year.[3] The fic was published in full on the author's website and later on AO3.


In a world that knows, loves, respects, but doesn't trust its Sentinels, Jim is determined to hide his abilities. He won't submit to a guardian ad litem having custody of him in a legal system that ranks him on the same level as a child. He will not give up his control, not to anyone.

An older version of the summary during the brief period that the story was posted on 852 Prospect read:

The United States is fair to its Sentinels, but given the history of abuse they've suffered, the state has a right to take some steps to protect them... even if that curtails a few rights. At least, that's the belief most people have. A chance encounter between a Runner named Jim Ellison who refuses to accept the party line and a hippy in an airport might just change the world.[4]

Awards and Nominations

2007 Light My Fire Awards Best Novel Banner for Control Issues.

Reactions and Reviews


It's a 'sentinels are known' scenario, in which Jim is a sentinel on the run. I must say, it is a huge improvement on some of the 'sentinels are uncontrollable animals' stories I've read in the past - intelligent writing, with plausible and believable reactions and interaction, plus excellent world-building. Jim's proud acceptance of an intolerable situation is just heartbreaking to read. The story is moving along at a fair pace - there's been at least one new part a day since she started writing it. If you prefer not to read WIPs, this is definitely one to look out for once it is done.[5]

This is an absolutely awesome story. It's well thought-out, realistic, and beautifully written. lit_gal deals tastefully and realistically with a common fannon cliche: Either Guides or Sentinels are enslaved or have fewer/no rights under the law. Most stories using this cliche are sensationalist, overly dramatic, and essentially implausible. Not so with Control Issues. lit_gal has done a wonderful job of making this cliche so realistic that the Readers can imagine that such situations could take place in their Real Lives. This is a thought-provoking look at things like privacy, the government, institutions, bureaucracy, and inequality in our daily lives. Of course, the story is so wonderful that you probably won't even notice the fact that you're being prompted to think about these weighty issues until after the fact! Definitely a must read - especially for Sentinel fans![4]

So I had originally planned on starting this rec with a rant about the problems I have with modern slave!fic, from the lack of plausible historical background (the US fought a *civil war* to stop slavery; the only way it would make sense to have modern Sentinel slaves is if African-Americans were still slaves as well) to the fact that most slave!fic is gratuitously brutal (it's the torture porn of fanfic). But then I realized that I put part of that rant in every single slave!fic rec I make and the horse, she is dead. Plus, there's only so much bitching that a single post can sustain.

With that in mind, on to the accolades! Like most modern slave!fic that I recommend, this isn't (strictly speaking) slave!fic. Instead, Sentinels are legislated for their own good, and thanks to some historical background (yay!), you can understand how they've been exploited to the point that the goverment's current Sentinel regulations (which are very similar to current real-life regulations for the mentally ill) came about. Jim, who isn't impressed with the idea of being placed under the care of a 'guardian' and having most of his choices dictated to him, is on the run from the government. Unfortunately, he's captured in Cascade, just before he was about to escape to Canada. The man who captures him: Blair Sandburg, working with the Sentinel division of the CPD.

One of my bigger issues with Sentinel slave!fic is the way one (usually Jim) or two (usually Simon) of the main characters buy into society's insistence on on turning part of their population (usually guides) into slaves. Since in the majority of these fics it means continual inhumane treatment of Blair, Jim and/or Simon come off as extraordinarily callous (and, consequently, exceedingly unlikeable). In Control Issues, however, it's *Blair* who buys into the government's propaganda and, because he's Blair, he helps capture Sentinels with the absolute best intentions and with a bone-deep desire to help protect them any way he can. Unfortunately, he doesn't have all of the facts, but it doesn't take long for him to come around (and, unlike Jim or Simon, Blair has an honest-to-goodness chance at making real, sweeping changes in his society).

Before this rec gets any freaking longer, I'll sum it up: Great characterizations of Jim and Blair, a well thought out and plausible universe, bonding mythology that is essential to the plot without being over-the-top, and an ending that manages to be happy without being absurd. A brilliant fic.
Amen to what you say about slave!fic. Otoh it's a kink for many people and perhaps one shouldn't judge kink!fic by the same standards as fic that is meant as a literary endeavour. Although some fics fit both categories, obviously. Here, I had absolute difficulties with the chastity belt situation for the same reasons as your objections to unexplained slavery in fic: according to the author they were meant to protect the sentinels, but they were so flimsy that you could remove them with a nail cutter -> illogical. So it was obvious that they served no purpose other than to push somebody's buttons which is always a big squick for me. I like my buttons pushed as well as anyone else, but I don't like to see the button nor the pusher. ;-)
Hm. I'm not sure I agree re: kink!fic, but that's probably because I've read plenty of kink!fic has some kind of literary merit. OTOH, I'm a pretty live and let live kind of author -- I'm not going to go about and pick on someone who's written slave!fic when I know going in that there's a good chance that I'm not going to like the story simply because of the premise. And, crap, I'd forgotten about the chastity belt thing (primarily because I had to skim those sections, ick). I've seen worse (and flimsier), but that was a squick for me as well.
Well, I was not expressing a firm opinion here, you know. It was just a thought or even a question. Should one judge kink!fic and all those specialty!fics (like extreme h/c, D/s, Mpreg or others) by the same standards as what I call "literary fic" or not? I'm not sure myself. I mean, obviously they do work for many people and perhaps it depends on *why* you are reading at exactly the moment you read it? If you just read to get your buttons pushed and the fic in question manages that extremely well for you, then perhaps it's just at that time not so important whether the fic has any literary merits?

Oh, glad to know I'm not alone re chastity belts... :-) And yes, there is far worse out there, but I was surprised to see LitGal fall victim to this bad!fic trope.[3]

A really well-written, fairly heartbreaking fic where sentinels are treated like children - at best. Lit Gal is a reasonably well-known fanfiction author, and rightly so, and in my opinion this is right up there with the best things she has ever written. Angsty and thought-provoking, this is one of those stories which you simply cannot read without then spending ten minutes writing extended feedback on the themes, characters and settings within.[6]


LitGal is one of my fav authors in the fandom, and Control Issues is one of my favs of hers. She's just got such a unique and creative way of writing Sentinel that inserts wonderfully original ideas and twists on existing ones. This fic is an example of that latter by exploring a different dimension of the "Sentinels are known" genre. Usually, the guides are kept in a subordinate position to the Sentinels, sometimes to the extreme of slavery. However, in Control Issues, we get to shake up that trope by having the Guides with the upper hand. Sentinels are considered on the level of children almost, and society feels like the need to be controlled and protected from others and themselves.

That alone would make me rec this fic. Yet with LitGal's gorgeous writing style and spot on characterizations, this story just jumps right to the top of the rec list. Blair and Jim feel like the characters from the show yet in a totally different world. On top of all this, LitGal also explores the relationship between a Sentinel and Guide. We get to explore how two independent and strong men walk this relationship road together and also see what makes this bond tick. So go give LitGal a gander and don't forget to drop a note. (Since this reccer is pitifully bad at that!)[7]


Utterly perfect a/u Sentinel fic. This is like the perfect mix of plot, angst, romance, character development and Sentinel-ness. Any a/u that is set in a universe with institutions that the main characters are left fighting can often end up so dragged down with the angst. You did a brilliant job having complex characters stuck in a horrible situation who didn't become ooc either by becoming needlessly broken or ridiculously stable. I am so sad it came to an end but you wrote an utterly satisfying conclusion that didn't diminish the main story in any way. One of the things I loved the most was the way in which you handled the bonding issue. I think Jim and Blair being bonded too often takes away from their relationship. If the only reason they're together is because of instincts can be an easy out rather than developing their relationship. I have this desire to go hunting for more Sentinel fic but this has just raised the bar a lot.[8]


This was a really amazing fic. I've actually been looking for a fic like this, where Sentinels are known but not trusted and have to be controlled. I'm relatively new to this fandom, but it had always seemed to me that this scenario would be far more likely and makes way more sense than the usual trope, where Guides are the ones being subjugated. I do have to say that I really did not enjoy any of the noncon sex stuff in here; I thought most of it was really unnecessary. Nor am I a fan of the "bonding" trope, as I think it too often replaces the characters building an actual relationship. But the rest of the fic really makes up for that. The worldbuilding is fantastic. You have clearly put a lot of thought and research into this; the details here blew me away. You made Jim's frustration and anger and Blair's guilt feel real. I thought all the characters felt realistic in their actions and responses, actually. The dialogue was great and really fun to read. I would have liked to see a little more of Jim and Blair actually working together, instead of one or the other haring off alone to solve whatever problem they're facing-- that might have built up their relationship a bit better instead of it just being a "bond." Overall though, this was a really great and well-written work, and I gobbled it up in just a few days. Thanks for writing!


Fanworks Inspired by the Story


  1. ^ "Tag: control issues". Archived from the original on 9 May 2007.
  2. ^ Tag: fic: sentinel: control issues, Archived version on LitGal's LiveJournal. Accessed 7 January 2023.
  3. ^ a b Control Issues by LitGal (NC-17), Archived version at Epic Recs. Posted 29 August 2007, accessed 6 January 2023.
  4. ^ a b The Bookworm's Musings, Archived version, also at Epic Recs. Posted 13 August 2007, accessed 6 January 2023.
  5. ^ TS Fic Recs, Archived version by Fluterbev, regarding the story when it was a WIP. Posted 5 May 2007, archived 26 October 2010.
  6. ^ "AU Recs by Lanta". Archived from the original on 14 December 2007.
  7. ^ Control Issues by LitGal (NC-17), Archived version at Crack Van. Posted 19 May 2010, accessed 6 January 2023.
  8. ^ Comment by Iola, Archived version on AO3. Posted 22 January 2012, accessed 7 January 2023.
  9. ^ Comment by Natural_Logarhythm, Archived version on AO3. Posted 23 August 2019, accessed 7 January 2023.