Continue to Continue

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Title: Continue to Continue
Author(s): Northwest Smith
Date(s): April 1991
Length: 26 pages
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Continue to Continue is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Northwest Smith.

It was published in Southern Comfort #6.5

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What more can you ask for: drama, sex, pathos, sex, humor, sex... By the way, the second line of "Flowers Never Bend In The Rainfall" starts with 'Casts' not 'caps.'

I'll bet the author of the story transcribed the song's lyrics off a record or cd. Sounds like 'caps' to me. [1]


this one is fairly good fun for most of it, but for some reason it starts with a long (and as it turns out irrelevant) section in which jenna is like 'blake how could you go off with avon! why don't you love me?' and blake is like 'because i'm gay, jenna. i'm sorry. i only fancy men. men, not women. men. besides, you're sleeping with avon - it's good, right?' (cally is also sleeping with avon. once again - why is everyone sleeping with avon? what does this add to the story? i guess it gives avon some plausible deniability towards 'loving blake', but all his actions in the fic are correctly interpreted by the rest of the crew as the actions of someone who is in love with blake - so... he might as well not be sleeping with everyone, and just denying he's in love with blake to thus produce the same effect).

anyway - all whinging aside, i quite like this fic. all the stuff about avon being irrational and mean to the others because blake is having a breakdown is very much my crack. also the sex is hot and has some nice, well-characterised dialogue both before and during (excellent) - and blake growls a bit (excellent) - plus back rub! (third - if not more - of the zine.)

and there's some nice stuff with blake and vila sharing their experiences of being brainwashed, and vila helping blake and being cross with him for being so whingy.

and then the fic ends with some nice blake/avon stuff - BUT specifically with avon being like 'blake, i don't want to do public displays of affection, all right?' and blake is like - 'oh avon, you are so hard-hearted;. rather than '... what was [this] then? or [this]? i'm not the grabby one in this relationship, avon.'

but... as i have been saying a lot recently, since i discovered it on someone's dead website: YAMV.

my blake wouldn't have lost this argument, and my avon would have to accept that he's the emotional one, who wants to touch blake in public.

but i like this fic anyway.[2]

One of the few stories on this list in which Avon is more in control of the relationship than Blake. Fortunately, Avon is allowed several opportunities to prove (in roundabout ways - mostly to do with the plot re- Blake's memory erase) how devoted he is to Blake above all else.[3]


  1. ^ from "Southern Comfort" #7.5
  2. ^ comments by Aralias at Dreamwidth, posted July 13, 2013; reference link
  3. ^ Katy and Molly's 77+ Favourite A/B and A-B Stories, Archived version, August 5, 2013