Coming Home (The Avengers story)

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Title: Coming Home
Author(s): Sonora
Date(s): 03 June 2012 - 14 June 2012 (avengerkink)
15 June 2012 (AO3)
Length: 22,113 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The Avengers (2012)
External Links: Coming Home (AO3)
Cover art by PeggyStarkk (2015)

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Coming Home is a Steve/Tony story by Sonora. It was written for an avengerkink prompt.[1]

Summary: When S.H.I.E.L.D. approaches Tony Stark to help with their 1940s deception for Steve Rogers, to be a semi-familiar face and name to help re-introduce him to the world, Tony agrees on one condition - that it's his show to run. And at first, it seems like his plan's going off without a hitch. What he doesn't account for, however, are his own growing feelings for Steve.

Recs and Reviews

Tony reluctantly participates in a SHIELD thing to fake out defrosted Steve that it's 1950 and things get ~complicated.[2]

After Steve wakes up, Fury enlists Tony's help to break the news to him about how long he was in the ice for. Tony puts Steve in a Stark vet hospital and has Steve believing that he was gone 5 years, not 70. Of course, nothing goes as planned.[3]

Incredibly brilliant, thoughtful fic. Tony decides to go along with Shield's 1940s charade to gradually acclimatise the newly defrosted Captain America to the 21st century albeit on his own terms. Highly recommended.[4]

That was a really beautiful written story. I enjoyed every sentence of that. I found it kind of creepy what SHIELD tried to do with Cap at the end of the movie and it was very interesting to read it the way it would have succeeded (somehow). And I really do love Tony in here. Like he's the only one knowing, that Steve isn't an idiot and will figure it out sooner or later. Everything in this story just fits perfectly. I like this beginning of the Avengers Initiative lots better than in the movie ;)[5]

The fake 1940s at the end of Captain America was just one of many things that seemed nonsensically poorly-conceived in that movie. In this fic, Tony is in charge of the deception and he does it right. It almost makes sense why they bother with the deception at all in this fic. But I really love the romance here. Tony’s daddy issues are dealt with believably [...] and Steve is portrayed as intelligent while still being predictably bewildered by the modern world. The new acceptance of homosexuality is dealt with particularly deftly. The romance builds slowly and even though there is betrayal, it doesn’t turn into an angst-fest. A-plus for realism.[6]


  1. ^ Steve/Tony, the 1940s deception works:"What if SHIELD didn't screw up their "fake 1940s" plan with an incredibly sloppy mistake with the radio? The deception works, since Steve is disoriented and accepts that he'll be confined to the hospital for observation. To start introducing him to bits of the new world, they have Tony come in and pose as Howard Stark's cousin/brother/uncle/whatever. Tony's been ordered to make nice with his potential future teammate, but he doesn't expect to start falling in love with Steve. As his feelings grow he starts feeling more and more guilty about helping SHIELD to continue deceiving Steve." (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  2. ^ isweedan. Pinboard summary, 18 June 2012. (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  3. ^ greedy_dancer. Pinboard summary, 17 June 2012. (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  4. ^ lysryu. AO3 rec, 17 June 2012. (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  5. ^ Tinky. AO3 comment, 17 June 2012. (Accessed 27 June 2012)
  6. ^ tzzzztz. More Recs, 06 July 2012. (Accessed 08 July 2012)