Close Your Eyes But Don't Sleep

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Title: Close Your Eyes But Don't Sleep
Author(s): Lauryn Beaufort
Date(s): April 1998-January 1999
Length: ~100k words
Genre(s): angst
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Dec. 2004 via wayback

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Close Your Eyes But Don't Sleep is a Hanson fanfic by Lauryn Beaufort. It was written in 1998 and 1999. The fic centers around Taylor's deteriorating mental health as he copes with what happened the year before to his best friend, Rhiannon, who suffered from schizophrenia.

Reactions and Reviews

I won’t say that Rhiannon is the first manic pixie dream girl of hanfic, mostly because this isn’t even a love story, but her new age style and overwrought journal writing don’t help. Close Your Eyes But Don’t Sleep might have been rather touching otherwise, but it just feels overdone to me.[1]

When I was in I think eighth grade (98-99), I read my first Hanson fanfic, called “Close Your Eyes but Don’t Sleep.” (CYEBDS). It was fucking epic, and my best friend read it and loved it even though she was definitely NOT a Hanson fan. Does anyone else remember this??? [2]

That was one of my first Hanson fic experiences, too. ♥ I was 15, and I bawled like a baby.[3]


Close Your Eyes But Don't Sleep won awards in the Hanfic Awards, Hanson Story Awards and Literary Hanfic Awards. It is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame.
