Close Quarters (Professionals con)

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For the Professionals zine see Close Quarters (Professionals zine).

Name: Close Quarters
Dates: 2007, 2009
Frequency: every other year
Location: Baltimore area, Maryland, United States
Type: fan con/slash con
Focus: The Professionals
Founder: Justacat
Founding Date: 2007

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artwork by Suzan Lovett
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A fan convention focusing on The Professionals first held July 20-22, 2007, in Laurel, Maryland.[1] The second Close Quarters was held July 17-19, 2009, also in Laurel, Maryland.[2]


The 2007 convention featured panels, fanart, dealers of new and second-hand Professionals merchandise, games, a vid show, screening of favorite episodes, and much discussion about The Professionals. Con organizer Justacat and her "minions" created registration gift packs filled with Pros goodies. A new Professionals zine, Never Far Apart, premiered at the con. The central con room was continually filled with food of all kinds and enthusiastic talk about hard-to-find zines, BNFs, plot bunnies, favorite stories, and much more. Although most of the participants were longtime fans of The Professionals, several con goers were relatively new to the fandom and at least one person had never seen an episode of the show before. The fan travelling the longest distance for the con came from Australia.


2009 Flyer

Source: Schedule, Archived version



2:00pm The Appeal of Pros: From Drawing Them In to One True Fandom with Justacat & Kris. Is Pros one of many fandoms for you or the One? What brought you into Pros and what keeps you here? For many of us, Pros is the fandom that remains central to our fannish lives. Why?

3:00pm Trapped on a Desert Island: Your Desert Island Fic, Zine, & Episode with FJBryan Let's find out what stories, zines, and episodes you simply couldn't live without. One of each, please!

5:00pm Break for Dinner Getting in and out of local restaurants on Friday night can involve waiting, so we've scheduled an early, and long, dinner tonight, to allow you to get back in time for the vid show.

7:00pm Vid Show Approx. 7-9pm (two halves, with intermission)

9:00pm Vids By Request Request repeats of your favorites from the vid show, or vids that weren't in the show, if available - or just hang out and chat.

10:00pm Late Night Activities Hang out in the con room - quietly! - for an hour or so, or night owls can come to CQ HQ to watch episodes into the wee hours, technology permitting!


9:30am Old Dogs and New Tricks with PFL/msmoat & Diane How has fan fiction in Pros changed? Or has it? Is it getting better? More realistic? Or is it deteriorating into Drabble of the Week?

11:00am Old Lads: Do They Run CI5, or Have They Run Away? Kath Moonshine We all know about burnout. Would it happen to the Bisto Kids? Only one of them? Do they need to work together forever to have a happy relationship? If not at CI5, then where?

12:30pm Lunch Break

2:00pm Hurts So Good with Diane Hurt/comfort in Pros. Why do we always hurt the ones we love? And who does it the best?

3:30pm Pros Fandom & AUs: I Have This Great Story You Should Read... with gblvr & PR Zed One of the things that kept our loyal CQ Con Minion from the fandom for so long was, "I have this great story you should read; it's an AU!" She couldn't understand the lure; if you wanted her to read about Bodie and Doyle from Pros, why not rec a more canon-compliant story? It wasn't until she started to read more that she got it: there are a ton of AUs in Pros, from circus performers to elves to Bodie and Doyle in space! Why is it this fandom spawns so many? Is it easier to write an AU in Pros, or is it something about the boys that makes us want to see them everywhere?

6:00pm Dinner at the Greene Turtle

8:00pm The Pros Quiz How much do you really know about Pros? This challenging multi-part game, with sections like What Happened Next, Observation, Name the Episode, and Identify the Quote, will separate the "Pros" from the amateurs! Divide into teams to tackle it; you'll need to pool your knowledge for this one. We guarantee that fun and laughs will be had by all, and there'll be prizes for the winning team.

10:00pm Late Night Activities Hang out in the con room - quietly! - for an hour or so, or night owls can come to CQ HQ to watch episodes into the wee hours, technology permitting!


10:00am Pros Slash Pictionary It's porny, it's silly, it's smutty, and it's the best fun ever! Seriously!

1:00pm Can Tough Men Be Tender Lovers? with Kat & Justacat Bodie and Doyle are the hard men of CI5, but...can they be tender in the bedroom? Is it always rough and fast, or are there hearts and flowers behind closed doors?

2:30pm Dead Dog This is your chance to tell the con organizers what you liked about the con - and what you didn't. Share your thoughts, and help us decide whether Close Quarters should continue as a regular (every other year!) event, or whether you've had enough.

3:00pm Con Room Breakdown and Post-Con Hanging Out We'll start breaking down the con room now, but we have the room for the rest of the day, so there's no need to rush away - stick around, hang out, help with clean-up if you're inclined... We can leave the TV and DVD player going until the last minute, snack on the leftover food, wind down - and talk Pros, of course, because too much is never enough!
