Climb The Wind

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Title: Climb The Wind
Author(s): Minisinoo
Date(s): 2001
Length: 88,654 words
Fandom(s): X-Men (Movieverse)
External Links: at RedShades

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Climb the Wind is an X-Men story focusing on Scott Summers. It tied for Best Adult/Mature fic and for Best Serious fic at the 2002 Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards.


Logan and Scott are held prisoner; the descent of the hero and his redemption.

Reactions and Reviews

An amazing novel about Scott's descent into hell and how he survives. A powerful and visceral evocation of the bonds formed between comrades during times of extreme adversity.[1]

I've started reading Climb the Wind. I'm only a few chapters into it but I'm really impressed. It's quite possibly the best piece of fic I've read on the net[2]

Extraordinary, dark, and very real. Min tends to write Scott Summers stories (not exactly my cuppa)that suck you in and make you appreciate the character on entirely new levels. Her characterizations are very human, very true, and done with a sincere love and admiration that makes them shine.[3]

It's sort of a character exploration through action-adventure focused on Logan and Scott. I could have done without some of the detailed medical descriptions of injuries, but I guess they just had their intended effect.[4]

A harrowing novel about what happens when Scott and Logan are captured by an organization that has terrible things in mind for both of them. Does an incredible job of exploring both their initial reactions to the experience and the recovery process.[5]
