Children of the Gun

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Title: Children of the Gun
Author(s): theficisalie
Date(s): Nov 22, 2010 - Oct 5, 2017 (ongoing)
Length: 204,162 words or longer
Fandom(s): The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, Bandom
External Links: Masterpost

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Children of the Gun, also called the sprawling killjoys 'verse, is a series and universe by theficisalie, who described it as "my life's work." Ships include Frank/Gerard, Pete/Mikey, Gabe/Vicky-T, and Butcher/Sisky. The story is in three parts: Desert Heat, Runaway Scars, and Night Dust.

Reactions and Reviews

This series just gets better and better!

I really like the world you've built here, it feels wonderfully real. Loved the Mikey POV in this too, there's just not enough of it.

And now I shall wait patiently for the next installment...


This is a great series. It's such a fascinating take on the Killjoys universe and I love the way you're gradually unfolding it for us. Your Mikey is wonderful and I love the way you write his and Gerard's relationship.


i just read all of this and absolutely adore it! it's heart clenching and beautifully written and i'm such a sucker for hurt/comfort.


This is so fucking awesome! I haven't read this good a FF for a really long time! I love the 'verse and the characters! Everything is just SO good! I like your writing style, though it confuses me often (Which only makes it more fun). Good fucking job!


I just wanna say that I'm loving what I've read so far! your characterisations are very well-done, I must say. this chapter made my heart flutter, so I felt obligated to say something.


I've read the fist two series and am just about to read the third, but I thought that I should take the time totell you how amazing these have been to read. Both series' are way too underrated for how well they're written; because they are simply amazing. I think if you're going to write a Killjoy's fic you've gotta write it well, and you've done that. This is fucking incredible, honestly one of the best things that I have ever read- it's better than The Dove Keeper, and simply deserves more credit. Your characters are perfect, and totally fit, all the background is just gorgeous to read. This story has had no slip up's with the name's or anything, and it is so clever how it's all worked and how you've made the vidoe's real. I like that you've oven each character a proper, detailed background, it makes it more believable and more relatable. Mikey's character is my favourite, he's perfect; his humor is dry and his attitude towards Frank is just awesome. I cannot wait to read series three (which I shall do in a minute) and I really hope you realize just how good of a writer you are, thank you so much for writing this. x


I've spent the last week thoroughly engrossed in your Killjoy's series. It was fantastic. Really engaging, entertaining. It had everything - action, suspense, romance. I loved every bit of it. The world you created was so vivid, both your descriptions of the city and the desert. This final chapter made me cry. Thanks so much for sharing what was obviously a lot of hard work. You're a good writer. I look forward to reading more of your work.


I feel like I just lived an entire lifetime. Spent 2 days doing nothing but reading this, screw real life. This is so fucking good, and believable, and heartbreaking. Honestly, as much as I was laughing at certain funny parts, my heart was also breaking through them. Because the boys are so brave and so fierce but so fragile and warm. I fell in love with your Grace without a chance of return.


This is just. I don't know. I've read all your killjoy work and its left me crying, feeling nostalgic for things I've never done, elated and sad and angry and thrilled with the adrenalin of the fright scenes and sad at frank's past and then I realized your latest work had been published in sept 2012 and I realize you probably never check this account anymore and tahts ans sad as walking into the old diner and seeing rooms with drawings all over the walls of all the now gone killjoys and fuck idk I think you messed with my brain and I just wanted you to know how perfectly imperfect all the characters were and how imperfectly perfect you're story was but you probably won't read this but just godmmit this is beautiful. Thankyou for writing this.


Holy fuck wow. I have spent the last week or so reading this incredible fic. As a loser myself, i don't have a account on this website (well, i do. But nobody including myself knows the password anymore; i forgot it years ago) anymore, but i'll be damned if i don't make another just so that i can get an alert if you ever update this again. Which, you have to. Seriously. I came by this fic when an anon recq'd it on tumblr, and it's probably the best fanfiction i've ever read. Your worldbuilding skills are incredible! I find myself wanting to use the slang and expressions that you've incorporated, and you've clearly put a ton of thought and effort into things such as the geography and layout. And don't get me started on your character development. I mean...damn. The non-linear parts fit in beautifully, and it's amazing watching as all of the characters' dynamics change and grow together. The backstories of all four killjoys, plus grace, were amazing. In general, i never thought i would be able to read a fic where grace was one of the killjoys' biological daughters (as it was my own headcanon that she was adopted), but you've completely changed all of that. After the killjoys 'died,' and grace stayed tough and fierce, i almost completely lost it. Frank's story, too, was amazingly well done. His fear of telling the others about his past added an elemant of mystery, but the hints ad foreshadowing that alluded to what had happened make you really hurt for him. At the same time, the others' reations are all in-character and understandable. Mikey and gerard's backstory was amazing as well! I loved the flashback bit, and loved the petemikey. Seeing so may bandom characters was fun too, especially with cameos from gabe and patrick (i love how you described gabe from frank's perspective as a giant). Pete being the leader of it all works really well, in my opinion. I was unsure about how it would go about, but you've convinced me that he is the only person for the job.


It's been ages since I last read this fic, but it was beyond worth it this time around. Your manipulation of prose and storytelling gives new life to the universe, and I just want to live in the world you created for the rest of forever. The first time I'd read this, I hadn't understood all of the bandom references, but now that I do, I can't help but smile every time someone new is introduced. If you do continuing updating, I'll be one of the first lining up to read it, but if not, know that you made a world within your writing that will stay with your readers for ages anyways.


Hi, I’ve been thinking about this story since I read it. I can’t get over just... everything about this. Your writing is incredible; it expresses the unreality and that somethings not quite right so so well. It feels like a false utopia even without the meat of the text, just through the style itself and atmosphere created. The shower part in particular was something that really stuck out, I knew it was going to be a gem of a read after that. [...]

The way you incorporated the flashbacks was solid too. Sometimes in other things I read, flashbacks feel a little forced or jarring in an odd way, but there was such a clean transition to these. All the things they contained were relevant and just made me want to read more. The flashbacks themselves were really interesting too. Seeing what happens behind closed doors at BLInd and how they treated Frank very much built a good understanding of how the company functions without all the propaganda and such. The fear and just overwhelming nature of them was super apparent, the tension was great.

Basically, this was a wonderful read and I honestly can’t think of anything I didn’t like. Obviously there was a lot that I did like haha. I know it’s been several years since you posted it but thank you so much for writing and sharing. I’ll certainly be coming back for a reread every once in awhile.



  1. ^ Comment on Static, Chapter 5 (2011)
  2. ^ Comment on Static, Chapter 5 (2011)
  3. ^ Comment on Static, Chapter 5 (2011)
  4. ^ Comment on Overcast, Chapter 7 (2011)
  5. ^ Comment on Overcast, Chapter 7 (2011)
  6. ^ Comment on PRODUCT/white+dream (2013)
  7. ^ Comment on Zero (2012)
  8. ^ Comment on Zero (2012)
  9. ^ Comment on Zero (2014)
  10. ^ Comment on GHOSTED, Chapter 6 (2015)
  11. ^ Comment on GHOSTED, Chapter 6 (2015)
  12. ^ Comment on Whitewash (2019)