Catch Me, I'm Falling

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Title: Catch Me, I'm Falling
Author(s): EffortlesslyOpulent and sam_kom_trashkru
Date(s): Published May 19 – November 10, 2016
Length: 288,841 words; 24 chapters
Genre(s): Modern AU, High School AU, femslash
Fandom(s): The 100
External Links: AO3 link
Tumblr link
Fic cover by reallygroovyninja

Fic poster by lacallemojada

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Catch Me, I'm Falling by EffortlesslyOpulent and sam_kom_trashkru is a popular Clexa fanfiction hosted on Archive of Our Own. It is a Modern High School AU and was published in 24 chapters from May 19 to November 10, 2016. It is part one of the six-part catch me series.

The fic won "Best High School/College Fanfiction" at the 2017 Clexa Fanfiction Awards. On AO3, it has in excess of 370k hits, 9.9k kudos, 1.7k comments, and 1.8k bookmarks as of January 2021.

The summary from AO3:

Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is a model student who dreams of getting an art scholarship. With Lexa's arrogance and Clarke's stubborn tendencies, they never thought they'd be compatible, much less soul mates. But as fate would have it, Clarke becomes Aden's tutor, and she and Lexa fall infuriatingly, helplessly in love with each passing day.


The HSAU where Aden plays cupid with Clarke, Lexa, and all of their friends, and ends up watching practically all of them fall for each other.

Reactions and Reviews

This fic, yo.

This fic has been giving me life for the past couple of months and I thank you dearly for that. I've laughed, cried, grinned and squealed along with it and it's made my life that much nicer and brighter.

Your writing is truly wonderful, your characters vivid and full of life and this story is everything a modern Clexa au, a really exceptional one, should be.

Thank you for this story![1]

Wow! Just wow, I'll admit I didn't much care for the beginning and abandoned the story for the first 5 or so parts, but somehow I got sucked into this world you created and just amazing job. Probably one of my fav stories! Well written, plotted and paced. Congrats on finishing. Honestly, I kind of don't want a series because this ending was so perfectly executed. Again, congrats![2]

Oh wow what a great ending to an amazing story loved every bit of it also love the fact that it wasnt rushed and that it ended on a good note so thank you both for writing this amazing story

Super excited for the sequel and for any other stories you two write I already know im gonna love it what amazing writers :D[3]

A very very sincere thank you for this wonderful story. I enjoyed every single chapter and it's been a true delight to follow the development of our favorite Clexa & their delinquents/Trikru. The pace is wonderful .... the characters are all superbly developed.... the storylines and twists are unexpected... definitely one of its kind and not something I have read on AO3! Very well written and I love the sense of humor peppered throughout the chapters... I literally LOL when reading the funny moments. I am really looking forward to reading about the next phase of these two soulmates' lives.....

Thank you once again.... you are really talented and we the fandom are truly blessed.[4]

Just finished reading this one, another classic in our fandom and I know I'm late to the party but I'm glad to be here.

I really enjoyed this fic. Had a few issues with it but nothing that made me think it was bad, just things that confused me sometimes and when I wanted things to move faster cause I needed to read about a specific moment or scene.

I loved how Clexa treated each other. How Lexa took care of Clarke and her insecurities, how Clarke put Lexa first (that post punch scene with Clarke defending Lexa, even if a little late, was AMAZING and something I really needed to see here). Lexa being a gentlewoman all the time, her surprises and her love for Clarke. The way Clarke loved Aden and treated him as a brother or even a son, took care of him AND Lexa and battled for Lexa when needed, like when she wrote to Lexa's parents.

They're so in love that it's disgusting...?! No, it definitely isn't disgusting at all, it's awesome.

I can't wait to read their adventures in college!! Thank you for this series!
*sorry for commenting and deleting, I put this one on the wrong place*[5]

I legit lost sleep just so I could read this story, and I do not regret it in the slightest lol I can never get enough of the high school au no matter the fandom I'm in, but this honestly takes the cake for any and all high school au fanfictions I've read whether it be Clexa or not like god this was an absolute amazing read. I loved reading how they went from hating each other, to realizing that there was an attraction, to falling in love, like it was written with such a great pace. It didn't feel to rushed, and I didn't feel super frustrated because of the length of the story and where it was going (ok little white lie - I was a little frustrated that poor Lexa and Clarke kept getting kiss blocked?...taco blocko??? I don't think taco blocko would count seeing as they didn't have sex at that point of the story - but I can't think of anything else lol) everything just fell into place perfectly.

Another thing that I really loved was the little found family vibes and the closeness that we get when everyone is together - and although there were some serious issues between the Delinquents and the Kru I'm glad that Anya didn't take any shit and called them out, and that they were willing to work that out in order to make sure that both Lexa and Clarke were happy - and I'm also really happy that Raven was willing to change and be better for Anya and Clarke (and I hoped I worded that right and it made sense RIP). Seeing those moments, including the times where we got those ridiculously adorable moments with Lexa and Clarke, or those utterly hilarious moments such as Jasper getting snagged by a freaking weather balloon made the fanfiction all the more better, because it just felt real, ya know? Because high school stories isn't only about finding and falling in love, sometimes it can be about the love you have with family and friends, and I think that this story did such a wonderful job of showcasing those feelings and emotions.

Speaking of emotions and feelings, the absolute love that you had written between Lexa and Clarke was the cherry on top for me. Like the way that they are patient with one another, and how they comfort one another, and how they promised to be there for one another was just so pure and so heartwarming, that often times I found myself tearing up at how much they loved one another - like god that scene where Lexa is going through Clarke's sketchbook and she sees the sketches with their future kids??? Ugh that had me nearly sobbing and all Lexa did was say that they should have Clarke's eyes like excuse me I wasn't ready for these feels.
Anywhoot - sorry for such a big rant lol and I hope you both have had a great year and it only gets better! Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful story and for sharing it with us![6]






  1. ^ Review by kittymannequin on AO3. November 10, 2016. Archived version.
  2. ^ Review by malexandria on AO3. November 10, 2016. Archived version.
  3. ^ Review by Eren23 on AO3. November 10, 2016. Archived version.
  4. ^ Review by Delirious_Jer on AO3. November 10, 2016. Archived version.
  5. ^ Review by kassiacrislayne on AO3. April 18, 2018. Archived version.
  6. ^ Review by Pricefield_Pirate on AO3. February 10, 2019. Archived version.