Carrie (Star Wars story)

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Title: Carrie
Author(s): Amanda Palumbo
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Wars
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Carrie is a 1995 Star Wars RPF story by Amanda Palumbo.

It was printed in I Don't Care What You Smell #1.

one of two illos for this story, the artist is Amanda Palumbo

The story includes Carrie Fisher, her 3-year-old daughter (Billie), and Leia Organa. Also a nanny named Linda and someone named Eldin.

The story takes place in Italy. mentions Steven Spielberg, has commentary on "crappy dialogue" in scripts, the movie "Hot Tamale." Carrie smokes cigarettes, drinks espresso, and swears.

The plot: Leia Organa breaks into Carrie Fisher's house. They have a lot of conversations about their mutual surprise that the other one exists. Carrie astounds Leia by knowing all about her from the movies and books.

Carrie's small daughter, Billie, has a lot of action and dialogue.

Leia leaves Carrie's world and goes back to her own. Both women gain some perspective on their personal and family lives.